Kaleidoscope Career Day at MBHS

  • Thirty-one local professionals talked with MBHS students about career avenues.

  • Thursday, February 9, 2023 -- The annual Kaleidoscope Conference, which serves as a ‘career day’ for Mountain Brook High School students, was held on Wednesday morning at MBHS. Thirty-one professionals from the greater Birmingham area spoke to students in small groups about what they do for a living and shared advice for student's careers beyond high school.

    The event, which is put on by the school's PTO, allowed students to attend three 25-minute sessions to hear about a variety of professions. The following list includes Kaleidoscope's speakers and their various professions:

    Alex Hinson, CEO, Resource Management Services, LLC (RMS) (Land Mgmt. Forestry)
    David Malone and John Malone, Partner, Financial Advisor, First Call Financial
    Dr. John Kast, MD, Neurological Surgeon, Baptist South Medical Center
    Eric Eshleman, Director of Golf, CC of Birmingham
    Eric Gunn and Susan Stabler, Chief Preconstruction Manager, Brasfield & Gorrie
    Handley Smith, Owner and Executive planner at Handley Breaux Designs
    Jake Jordan, Head Athletic Trainer, MBHS
    Janet Skinner, CRNP, Children's Hospital of Alabama, NICU
    Jay Brandrup, Web Development, Principal, Kinetic
    Jeffrey Brewer, AIA, Architecture, CEO, Goodwyn Mills Cawood (GMC)
    Jeffrey Orkus, Hospitality, GM/COO, Country Club of Birmingham
    Amy Murphy, The Amy Murphy Studio, LLC (Music)
    Laura Finch, Licensed Professional Counselor, LLF Counseling
    Michael Bell, Advertising Brand Strategist, The Modern Brand Co.
    Nick Grabowski, CPA, Ernst & Young
    Rebecca Morris, Senior VP of External Affairs, Embrace Alabama Kids/Embrace Florida Kids (United Methodist Children's Home) (Social Work)
    Sally George, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Therapy South Crestline
    Sarah Long, PharmD, BCPS, UAB hospital / Crestline Pharmacy
    Shannon Riley, Ambipar Response CEO USA Operations (Engineering)
    Virginia McCary, Interior Designer, Virginia McCary Design
    Dee Jackson, CBS42 Sports Anchor, CBS42
    Caroline Ezelle and Helen Drennen, Realtor. Drennen-Ezelle group
    Carolyne Kontomitras, Entreprenuer, Bijou
    Bill Garner, Teacher, Crestline Elementary
    Chuck Redden, ROTC, CEO, AutoTec
    Craig Martin, Veterinarian, Village Pet Care PC
    David Faulkner, State Representative and Attorney/Partner, Alabama House of Representatives and Christian & Small law firm
    Dr. David C. Hufham, Hufham Orthodontist

    MBHS would like to thank the speakers for volunteering their time and expertise as well as the PTO council and committee members for making this event possible.