Lars Porter Joins MBHS as Assistant Principal

  • Wednesday, November 30, 2022 - Mountain Brook High School is pleased to announce Lars Porter as the school's new Assistant Principal. Lars is currently in his fifth year in the Mountain Brook School system. Prior to coming to Mountain Brook, he spent 6 years teaching math at Homewood High School.

    "We are excited about Lars joining the MBHS family," MBHS Principal Philip Holley said. "The next time you are at the school, please stop by and welcome him."

    Upon Porter's arrival in Mountain Brook, he taught math for three years at the junior high and has spent the last year and a half as the MBJH Technology Coordinator. In addition to teaching, Lars also coached cross county and track at the high school.

    "We are incredibly happy for Lars in his new role," MBJH Principal Donald Clayton said. "He has been so valuable to everyone here during his time with us and we look forward to his continued leadership in Mountain Brook."