MBS Recognizes Brad Sklar

  • Sklar served on the Mountain Brook Schools Board of Education from 2010 to 2022.

  • Thursday, June 16, 2022 – Brad Sklar has served on the Mountain Brook Board of Education for 12 years and the recent May board meeting marked his last in his seat. In more than two terms of service, Brad helped guide the school system through a variety of experiences. From recessions to technology enhancements to facility improvements to the pandemic, Sklar sought to keep education first.

    “In my 13 years as the superintendent, Brad has been right there and has been a key in maintaining the success of Mountain Brook Schools,” Dr. Dicky Barlow said. “In addition to his service to the community, he has become a great friend. I know he will enjoy the extra bit of time and continue to find ways to help others in the community.”

    Mountain Brook city councilman, Billy Pritchard, said Brad’s “friendship and exercise of his wise and measured sense of good judgment has been invaluable over the last 12 years.” Sklar’s fellow board members echoed Pritchard’s sentiment.

    “Brad has pushed us to think outside the box, never settling for average or status quo,” fellow board member, Nicky Barnes, said.

    Sklar had the opportunity to preside over one last board meeting in May in Barnes' absence. In a short recap, he thanked all MBS faculty and staff for their hard work and the relationships he’s made during his time on the board. He thanked school and city leaders for their guidance and the community for its continued support for the growth of its children through education.

    “It’s so gratifying to know what the school system has accomplished for the over 4,000 students I’ve seen graduate in the last 12 years as well as the ones currently matriculating through the system,” Sklar said. “I am greatly optimistic for the future because of the former and upcoming graduates of Mountain Brook Schools. Thank you for allowing me to serve.”