Edcamp Mountain Brook Returns
Teachers from all across Alabama gathered on Wednesday at Mountain Brook High School for professional development.
Thursday, June 16, 2022 – Teachers from all over Alabama gathered at Mountain Brook High School on Wednesday for the return of Edcamp Mountain Brook. The all-day professional development event featured five different sessions where ‘teachers taught teachers.’
“This unique professional development allows teachers to meet and discuss challenges and demands they face throughout the year,” Holly Martin, Mountain Brook Schools Professional Development Specialist, said. “It’s a refreshing way for educators to create solutions and ideas in their role as a teacher.”
Those in attendance had the opportunity to lead their own group during one of the five sessions throughout the day. The group’s topic could be something an individual specializes in or even just a discussion topic to spur educational dialogue.
“Edcamp is more of a community than it is anything else,” Mountain Brook Junior High Principal, Donald Clayton, said.
Teachers come to Edcamp and while on-site, come up with topic ideas to lead small group discussions. This style of professional development creates a dynamic atmosphere where educators can move around from session to session to hear and discuss what they want to discuss.
“More than anything to me, Edcamp is practical,” said Paul Hnizdil, a 9th grade Mountain Brook Junior High history teacher. “I can implement what I learn from the sessions immediately in my classroom.”
A special thanks to Crestline Bagel, Ashley Mac’s, Taco Mama, and Starbucks for catering meals for the event.
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