MBS Academic Success Continues in 2021

  • Dr. Missy Brooks reported that Mountain Brook students were above the national average in all test categories.

  • October 22, 2021 -- Mountain Brook students continued the trend of academic success in the 2020-21 school year despite all the adverse circumstances due to COVID. On Monday, October 18, 2021, Dr. Missy Brooks, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, presented the Board of Education with the annual Student Assessment Report.

    Mountain Brook students were above the national average in all test categories. The PreACT is given to sophomores in the fall. It is on a scale of 1-35. In October 2020, Mountain Brook students averaged a score of 22.1 which is higher than last year’s national average of 18.7

    On the ACT plus writing (given to juniors in the spring - a scale of 1-36), Mountain Brook students averaged a 25.3 which is higher than the national average of 20.7 and the Alabama state average, 18.9.

    Eighty-three percent (928 out of 1,118) of Mountain Brook students who took Advanced Placement (AP) classes scored a three or higher last year. A three or higher earns college credit. Globally, 64% recorded a three or higher on their AP tests last year placing Mountain Brook 19 percent above the global percentage.

    “Our students do exceptionally well year in and year out,” Brooks said. “This is due to the teaching they receive as well as their commitment to excellence in the classroom.”

    The full report can be seen in the document below.

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