Remembering Col. Carl Cooper

  • Col. Carl Cooper died at the age of 101 at his home in Vestavia Hills on August 29, 2021. In addition to his multiple tours of military service, Col. Cooper helped organize the Mountain Brook City School System and was the first principal at Mountain Brook Junior High.

    “He was a pretty incredible person,” MBJH Principal Donald Clayton said. “I had the chance to meet him once and it’s an honor to follow in his footsteps serving in this position.”

    Col. Cooper enlisted in the Marine Corps to serve in World War II and led the invasion of Okinawa in the Pacific Theatre. He also served in Guam and returned to service for the Korean War and Vietnam War.

    Col. Carl Cooper - March 3, 1920 - August 29, 2021. More information as well as Cooper’s full obituary can be read here


    Information from The Birmingham News