Cherokee Bend 5th Graders Enhance Learning Environment

  • Like all MBS students, Cherokee Bend fifth graders love learning. They also love finding new ways to learn. One tool they have used in years past are robots.

    Recently, the CBS fifth-graders went into the storage closet and pulled out the old robots that had not been used since before COVID. Many couldn’t hold their battery or were outdated versions that were inadequate for proper use. So the students put their heads together and came up with a plan.

    They didn’t have the money to buy new robots so they brainstormed ideas and after-class discussions, they decided to research robots and create persuasive Google slide shows.  The grade presented their findings to Principal Dr. Ritchey and she encouraged them to come up with a plan to merge their ideas to create one comprehensive Google slide show for each class and present it to the PTO.

    The whole grade came together to watch the final presentations to the PTO.  They concluded with a question and answer session where students answered the PTO’s questions.

    Students were thrilled to find out that they convinced PTO how important these robots and tools would be to enhance teaching and learning in ALL grades at CBS.  In the end, students received $3,500 to purchase new robots and a 3D printer. They were thrilled!

     In the future, they are planning to create several tech teams to help teach other grades and teachers in the building how to incorporate these tools into learning.