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Building 4J’s Future: Documents & Materials

Materials related to the decision-making process for updating the district’s long-range facilities plan

School Board Documents

Board Meeting Feb. 20, 2013:
Agenda and Materials
Approved Recommendations
Audio Recording

Board Meeting Feb. 13, 2013:
• Superintendent’s Final Recommendations
One-Page Overview
Complete Recommendations

Audio Recording

Work Session Feb. 6, 2013:
• PIVOT Architecture analysis of renovation vs. rebuilding
Report on Facilities
Report Appendix
Presentation Slideshow

Audio Recording

Board Meeting Jan. 23, 2013, including public hearing:
Audio Recording

Board Meeting Jan. 9, 2013:
Superintendent’s Preliminary Recommendations
Audio Recording

Work Session Dec. 19, 2012:
Audio Recording

Work Session Dec. 12, 2012:
Audio Recording

Work Session Dec. 5, 2012:
Audio Recording

Work Session Nov. 14, 2012:
• Cost Estimates & Site Diagrams (not final designs):
Current Roosevelt Site | Civic Stadium Site
Audio Recording

Work Session Oct. 25, 2012:
Board Members’ Input
Audio Recording


Informational Handouts

Overview / Why Talk About Replacing or Renovating Schools
School Building Age & Condition
Consultant’s Starter Recommendations


Public Input

Forum Wall Chart Comments:
Sept. 27 at Chávez
Oct. 1 at North Eugene
Oct. 4 at Cal Young
Oct. 10 at Roosevelt

Online Input Form:
Online Comments (116 pages)


Consultant’s Report & Starter Recommendations

Handout: MGT’s Starter Recommendations
Report: MGT Assessment & Recommendations Report
Go Deep: MGT Report Appendices (400 pages)
Slideshow: MGT Report Presentation


Historical Documents

2002 Long-Range Facilities Plan