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New High School Schedule Implementation (2023)


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Update on New High School Schedule (May 2023)

Our district has made some changes to the new high school schedule coming this fall.

The most notable change is that students will attend all eight of their classes during shorter, 30-minute periods on Wednesday, the “C” day that also falls on the new early-release day, rather than on Monday, as originally envisioned. Students will attend the first four of their classes during longer, 90-minute periods on Monday and Thursday (“A” days) and the other four, 90-minute classes on Tuesday and Friday (“B” days).

The goal is to have a uniform schedule on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday to reduce confusion for students and teachers. Additionally, the revised schedule provides a slightly longer lunch to accommodate students who are spending time with their affinity groups.

In December, following several months of work and and input from parents, students and educators, district leadership selected the new high school schedule. A group then convened to work though the major facets of the schedule change, which were approved in mid-March. The revisions followed a listening session with 4J educators late last month and also in response to additional input.

Time will be set aside in the coming year to more thoroughly plan all the other details of the new schedule, and information will be shared regularly and consistently to build understanding and confidence in the new school schedule.

The decision to move to a four-classes-daily semester schedule from a five-classes-daily trimester schedule was not taken lightly. The primary goals of the new schedule is to provide students receiving special education or English Language Learner services, as well as students participating in affinity groups, the time in their schedule to receive those services for their personal academic growth and enrichment without sacrificing the ability to access electives. The new schedule also offers more opportunities for educators to collaborate and for students and their teachers to build positive relationships that can lead to academic success and social-emotional growth.

Frequently Asked Questions Document Released (May 2023)

Our district has prepared this document to answer some of the commonly asked questions we’ve heard about the new high school schedule.

New High School Schedule Details Approved (March 2023)


The details of the new high school schedule have been finalized.

Under the new 4×2 A/B/C schedule, Mondays will be flex days and Wednesdays will be early release days. There will be no double-blocking of any courses, including IHS and AP classes. While it has been shared that both middle and high schools will move to a semester calendar next fall, this schedule applies only to the high schools as work is continuing to identify options for our middle schools.

The details of the new high school schedule are as follows:

Detailed breakdown of 4J's new high school schedule

The next two professional development days for teachers will included dedicated time to transition to the new high school schedule. They will use time on April 3 to rebuild their scope and sequence for the semester schedule. Time will be dedicated on May 5 to develop scope and sequence under the new schedule for students who needed additional academic support.

In December, following several months of work and and input from parents, students and educators, district leadership selected the new high school schedule. A group then convened to work though the major facets of the schedule change. District leaders approved the work group’s recommendations on March 14.


In December, following several months of work and and input from parents, students and educators, district leadership selected a new high school schedule.

Beginning in fall 2023, 4J high schools will operate on a 2 semester x 4 class A/B/C day schedule. This means that there will be two semesters with eight classes per semester. Four classes will be held twice a week on alternating days (A/B), with a shorter, flexible schedule (C) on early release day.

This new schedule will provide students with the greatest number of opportunities to obtain credits, balances class length with homework expectations, provides flexibility to all students so that interventions do not have to come at the expense of electives or participation in affinity groups and enrichment courses. It further increases teacher preparation and planning time throughout the week and has a minimal impact on existing class sizes.

A work group has been convened to implement the new schedule and identify and address issues well in advance.

The work group has split into four subcommittees to work though the major facets of the schedule change. They are:

Flex Day — Advisory and affinity group use, academic intervention
Professional Development — Curriculum, protected collaboration time
Scheduling — Ensuring full schedules for students in ninth and tenth grades, high school student enrollment forecasting, etc.
Logistics — Specific bell schedules, transportation, attendance

Click on the links above to learn more about each subcommittee, including their work plans.

Have a questions? Want to comment? Visit the Let’s Talk page to submit your feedback.


The work of the subcommittees and larger work group is guided by these priorities:

  • Prioritizing access and opportunities for students receiving support services, such as through an IEP, 504 plan, or ELL;
  • Providing flexibility for students so that they are allowed time to access affinity groups, enrichments, extensions and interventions
  • Increasing opportunities for collaboration among educators so that students receive the highest quality services
  • Promoting positive relationships for students and staff
  • Maintain or decrease class size