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4J Vision 20/20 Stakeholder Committee

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4J Vision 20/20 is a strategic visioning and planning process to develop a roadmap for Eugene School District 4J for the next 3–5 years. 4J Vision 20/20 is designed to be a collaborative community process.

The 20/20 Visioning Committee is composed of community stakeholders—parents, teachers, education administrators, business leaders, and other community members. The committee is engaging to develop a vision and plan for the school district.

The committee has been provided with community input received through the survey and community meetings to inform their work and the process.

Stakeholder committee members

  • Gustavo Balderas, Superintendent, Eugene School District 4J
  • Mel Bankoff, Executive Director, Partners for Sustainable Schools
  • Ed Barclay, Vice President, Ward Insurance
  • BJ Blake, Director-Elect of Secondary Education, Eugene School District 4J
  • Kelly Bokn, Athletic Director, Eugene School District 4J
  • Betsy Boyd, 4J Equity Committee Member
  • Monica Brown, CFO/Director of Financial Services, Eugene School District 4J
  • Amy Burrow, Special Education Teacher, Kennedy Middle School
  • Harlan Coats, Interim Director of Facilities, Eugene School District 4J
  • Deborah Dailey, 4J Homeless Liaison (McKinney-Vento Coordinator)
  • Andy Dey, Principal, South Eugene High School
  • Greg Evans, Eugene City Councilor, Ward 6
  • Deron Fort, Director of High School Connections, Lane Community College
  • Laurette Garner, Arts Education Program Assistant, Lane Arts Council
  • Rebecca Gourgey, Teacher, South Eugene High School
  • Linda Hamilton, Board Member, Lane ESD Board
  • Dave Hauser, President, Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Kyle Henley, Vice President for Communications, University of Oregon
  • Christina Howard, Parent, Adams Elementary & Kennedy Middle School
  • Mike Johnson, Principal, Monroe Middle School
  • Kim Ketterer, Interim Director of Technology, Eugene School District 4J
  • Lisa King, Parent, ECCO (Early College & Career Options)
  • Michael Klindt, Parent, Churchill High School
  • Jordan Krush, Parent, Churchill High School
  • Joel Lavin, Principal, River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary School
  • Anne Marie Levis, Chair, Eugene School Board
  • Cheryl Linder, Education Support Services
  • Charlie Loeb, Parent, Spencer Butte Middle School
  • Jeff Madsen, Parent, Awbrey Park Elementary & Madison Middle School
  • Jennifer Mandeville-Schulz, Cognitive Educational Assistant, Eugene School District 4J
  • Joy Marshall, President, Stand for Children Oregon
  • Maja Martir, Parent, River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary School
  • Diana McElhinney, Classified Benefits Coordinator, Eugene School District 4J
  • Charis McGaughy, Assistant Superintendent, Eugene School District 4J
  • Silverio Mogart, President, LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens)
  • Melanie Oommen, Associate Minister, First Congregational United Church of Christ
  • Jordan Papé, CEO, The Papé Group
  • Kari Parsons, Parent, Edison Elementary School
  • Marshall Peter, Retired President, Direction Service
  • Eric Richardson, President, Eugene–Springfield NAACP
  • Jon Ruiz, Eugene City Manager
  • Veronica Saldana, Parent, Holt Elementary School
  • Elise Salmond, Teacher, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
  • Tad Shannon, President, Eugene Education Association
  • Heather Sielicki, Parent/PTO Leader, Camas Ridge Elementary School
  • Andrea Smith, Parent, Madison Middle School
  • Jo Ann Smith, President, Oregon School Employees Association – Chapter 1
  • Rebecca Sprinson, Executive Director, Eugene Education Foundation
  • Carl Stubbs, Sergeant, Eugene Police Department
  • Larry Sullivan, Superintendent, Lane Education Service District
  • Evangelina Sundgrenz, Member, 4J Budget Committee
  • Cydney Vandercar, Director of Human Resources, Eugene School District 4J
  • Mary Walston, Board Member, Eugene School Board
  • Julie Ward, Parent, Monroe Middle School
  • Jennifer Winters Francois, Chair, 4J Budget Committee
  • Kyle Yamada, Teacher, Sheldon High School


More About 4J Vision 20/20

Community Input

Documents & Materials

Visión 20/20 del 4J – Comité de sectores interesados

La Visión 20/20 del 4J es una visualización estratégica y un proceso de planeamiento para desarrollar un itinerario para el Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J para los siguientes 3 a 5 años. La Visión 20/20 del 4J está diseñada para ser un proceso de colaboración comunitaria.

El comité de visualización del 20/20 se compone de los sectores interesados de la comunidad: padres, maestros, administradores educativos, líderes de negocios, y otros miembros de la comunidad. El comité se está uniendo para desarrollar una visión y un plan para el distrito escolar.

El comité recibió aportaciones de la comunidad a través de la encuesta y reuniones comunitarias para informar su trabajo y el proceso.

Miembros iniciales del comité de sectores interesados

  • Gustavo Balderas, Superintendent, Eugene School District 4J
  • Mel Bankoff, Executive Director, Partners for Sustainable Schools
  • Ed Barclay, Vice President, Ward Insurance
  • BJ Blake, Director-Elect of Secondary Education, Eugene School District 4J
  • Kelly Bokn, Athletic Director, Eugene School District 4J
  • Betsy Boyd, 4J Equity Committee Member
  • Monica Brown, CFO/Director of Financial Services, Eugene School District 4J
  • Amy Burrow, Special Education Teacher, Kennedy Middle School
  • Harlan Coats, Interim Director of Facilities, Eugene School District 4J
  • Deborah Dailey, 4J Homeless Liaison (McKinney-Vento Coordinator)
  • Andy Dey, Principal, South Eugene High School
  • Greg Evans, Eugene City Councilor, Ward 6
  • Deron Fort, Director of High School Connections, Lane Community College
  • Laurette Garner, Arts Education Program Assistant, Lane Arts Council
  • Rebecca Gourgey, Teacher, South Eugene High School
  • Linda Hamilton, Board Member, Lane ESD Board
  • Dave Hauser, President, Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Kyle Henley, Vice President for Communications, University of Oregon
  • Christina Howard, Parent, Adams Elementary & Kennedy Middle School
  • Mike Johnson, Principal, Monroe Middle School
  • Kim Ketterer, Interim Director of Technology, Eugene School District 4J
  • Lisa King, Parent, ECCO (Early College & Career Options)
  • Michael Klindt, Parent, Churchill High School
  • Jordan Krush, Parent, Churchill High School
  • Joel Lavin, Principal, River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary School
  • Anne Marie Levis, Chair, Eugene School Board
  • Cheryl Linder, Education Support Services
  • Charlie Loeb, Parent, Spencer Butte Middle School
  • Jeff Madsen, Parent, Awbrey Park Elementary & Madison Middle School
  • Jennifer Mandeville-Schulz, Cognitive Educational Assistant, Eugene 4J SD
  • Joy Marshall, President, Stand for Children Oregon
  • Maja Martir, Parent, River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary School
  • Diana McElhinney, Classified Benefits Coordinator, Eugene School District 4J
  • Charis McGaughy, Assistant Superintendent, Eugene School District 4J
  • Silverio Mogart, President, LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens)
  • Melanie Oommen, Associate Minister, First Congregational United Church of Christ
  • Jordan Papé, CEO, The Papé Group
  • Kari Parsons, Parent, Edison Elementary School
  • Marshall Peter, Retired President, Direction Service
  • Eric Richardson, President, Eugene–Springfield NAACP
  • Jon Ruiz, Eugene City Manager
  • Veronica Saldana, Parent, Holt Elementary School
  • Elise Salmond, Teacher, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
  • Tad Shannon, President, Eugene Education Association
  • Heather Sielicki, Parent/PTO Leader, Camas Ridge Elementary School
  • Andrea Smith, Parent, Madison Middle School
  • Jo Ann Smith, President, Oregon School Employees Association – Chapter 1
  • Rebecca Sprinson, Executive Director, Eugene Education Foundation
  • Carl Stubbs, Sergeant, Eugene Police Department
  • Larry Sullivan, Superintendent, Lane Education Service District
  • Evangelina Sundgrenz, Member, 4J Budget Committee
  • Cydney Vandercar, Director of Human Resources, Eugene School District 4J
  • Mary Walston, Board Member, Eugene School Board
  • Julie Ward, Parent, Monroe Middle School
  • Jennifer Winters Francois, Chair, 4J Budget Committee
  • Kyle Yamada, Teacher, Sheldon High School

Más sobre la Visión 20/20 del 4J

Aportaciones comunitarias
Documentos y materiales