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Sustainable Budget Development Process

How do we provide 21st century learning and support achievement for all students in these tough economic times?

That’s the question the Eugene School District must answer as it works to develop a sustainable budget in the face of a staggering budget shortfall for 2011–12.

The Eugene School Board’s goal is a multi-year plan that will bring services in line with revenue, put 4J on a sustainable course, and continue to provide all kids with a sound education.

Public Input

The Eugene School Board wants to hear from you and your neighbors.

 The board began the sustainable budget conversation by seeking stakeholder input about where to make reductions and how to reduce costs while keeping learning at the center of what we do. At each step of the process the board has asked for additional community input through web surveys, regional meetings, and public hearings.

In addition to these public input opportunities, any community member can send comments directly to the superintendent and school board at board@4j.lane.edu or via postal mail.

By working together, we can make the best decisions possible for all our students.



Process Step:

Key Elements:

Important Dates:


Board Sets Direction

Process, timeline, core values and priorities Sept. 20Board work session to discuss core values and priorities


Initial Framework

High-level example scenarios and big areas of potential reduction

Public input opportunities included:

Oct. 6Superintendent presents initial frameworkOct. 11–25 – Public input opportunities


Preliminary Recommendations

Preliminary recommendations including proposed school closures, bond measure

Information and public input opportunities may include:

  • Second web survey for parents, staff and community
  • Principals hold meetings at schools proposed for closure
  • Public hearing
  • Other public input meetings


Nov. 3 Superintendent presents preliminary recommendationsNov. 16–28 – Web survey

Nov. 16 – Participatory public input session

Nov. 17 Public hearing

Nov. 19 – State revenue forecast update


Revised Recommendations

Superintendent presents revised recommendations

Board discussion and input

Public input opportunities continue


Dec. 1School board work session on preliminary recommendationsDec. 8Superintendent presents revised recommendations

Dec. 15Joint school board and budget committee work session on revised recommendations


Final Recommendations

Superintendent presents final recommendations

Board discussion and final input

Final public hearing

Jan. 5Board work sessionJan. 12Superintendent presents final recommendations

Jan. 19Public hearing

Jan. 25 Board discussion

February 2011

Board Decisions

Board provides direction on 3-year plan — decisions on school closures, 
direction on bond measure, and more Feb. 2 Board action