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Shaping 4J’s Future: School Board Q&A Feb. 13, 2008

Staff Responses to Board Questions Raised at the Feb. 13, 2008 Meeting

  1. Harris:

    1. What special education services would be located at Harris in the future? – Yvette

      There is a regional learning center that would remain at Harris that serves the needs of students with behavior issues. The number and specific identification of students will be decided this spring. Eastside should be able to serve these students in their current program in 2008-09 with supports and professional development. Charlemagne would also serve additional students from the regional program in 2009-10. Both schools also will also provide services to mildly (and possibly moderately) disabled students in learning centers.

      The 4J Early Intervention program also currently resides at Harris and would remain there with Eastside in 2008-09. This program would need to be relocated when Charlemagne is moved to the Harris site in 2009-10. The Early Intervention Program does not provide ongoing direct services to students and can be relocated without difficulty.

    2. What is the cost of remodeling and additions to accommodate Eastside and French Immersion in the Harris building?

      Cost to add portable classrooms (2 double-wide modulars for total of 4 classrooms), parking, and expand the cafeteria and kitchen is estimated at $1.7-$2 million. (We provided a lower estimate the board meeting, which did not include the cafeteria and kitchen expansion.)

    3. What is the driveway and parking situation at Harris and how would this be addressed?

      There is not currently any off-street parking at Harris. The cost estimate above includes adding 10-35 parking places (for $100,000-$300,000). There is currently no driveway or off-street drop off area, however, three neighborhood streets surround the school and provide an area for drop-off and pick up of students (East 29th, University and Harris). Staggering start and dismissal times for the programs would help to reduce anticipated congestion.

  2. Enrollment management scenarios – Eric
    We have developed scenarios for middle level and high school that are attached to this question /answer sheet (see link below). Staff will explain the scenarios and answer clarifying questions about the 7.5 % and 5% transfer caps.
  3. Buena Vista: How many applications are received each year compared to the number of students admitted? – Eric
    In 2006-07, 133 students applied, 61 enrolled, 43 remained on a waiting list, and 29 withdrew from the list. In 2007-08, 139 students applied, 57 were enrolled, 47 remain on a waiting, and 35 withdrew from the list.
  4. Eastside and Charlemagne diversity: If co-located today, what would be the student demographic? How could we improve diversity of students? – Jim
    The combined free/reduced rate using October 2007 data would be 7.80%. The combined minority student population including unspecified students would be 11.93%. The district average for free/reduced in October was 35.4% and minority students 27.2%.
  5. Growth patterns of community: Provide more information about future growth and impact on school enrollment. – Jim
    1. Coburg future housing development

      Coburg has completed two formal planning processes since 2003 that address future development (Coburg Crossroads and Coburg Utilization Study). They also have partial funding and a design for a new sewer system planned to be in operation by 2011. The city wants to expand the Urban Growth Boundary and plans to make boundary decisions by 2009-10. The city also plans to work with developers to begin housing construction in 2011. The plans call for an additional 900 homes and 2,327 people by 2025.

      The 4J District cannot accurately predict how many elementary age students will live in the new housing in Coburg. Our most recent data of students per household comes from LCOG in 2001, indicating 16.34 elementary students per 100 single family dwellings.

    2. Expansion of City of Eugene urban growth boundary: What will happen if the UGB expands to the south (LCC basin area)? What will happen in 10-15 years in terms of population growth and student population?

      We are in the process of researching the answer to this question in cooperation with the City Planning Division.

    3. New apartment complex in Game Farm Road-Crescent-“I-5 flyway” area – have we taken it into consideration?

      There is a metro plan amendment for a 70-unit apartment development off Old Coburg Road called Huntington Crossing. The property has been annexed into the city and is in a preliminary stage of development. Using LCOG’s 2001 ratio of 5.71 elementary students per apartment complex, four or five students are expected from this development. Although not anticipated, should it become a low or subsidized income complex such as Willamette Gardens we could expect up to 14 students. The complex will be in the Gilham attendance area.

  6. Kinney Loop – is timeline realistic for new school construction? – Beth
    Staff are developing a timeline to discuss with the board at the February 27 meeting.
  7. Special education service distribution: Provide more information. How might this affect the number of students in neighborhood and alternative schools? – Beth
    Charlemagne & Eastside, after moving to Harris, would both have a learning center and a regional program.

    Buena Vista, after Meadowlark students move to Kinney Loop, would have a learning center and a program to serve a broad range of student needs.

    Parker and Edison would continue to have learning centers to serve mildly handicapped students and both schools may also house a program to serve a broader range of special education students (e.g. ESD or Regional Learning Center).

    Plans will also be developed to balance or provide additional services to special education students in all neighborhood and alternative schools.

    Corridor and Yujin Gakuen will also be considered for expanded special education services.

  8. What process will the board use after the public hearing to get more information or consider additional information? – Craig
    Referred to Feb. 24 board leadership for discussion.
  9. How do we increase access to choice for lower income families? – Jim
    Our School Choice Policy currently offers priority to low income students on an alternating basis in the lottery. If alternative schools are located in neighborhoods where higher numbers of low income students reside, our policy can allow the board to give priority to students who reside in the neighborhood to attend alternative schools. The district may also want to consider providing transportation to low income families to exercise choice and attend alternative schools.
  10. Edison – How would students who are now attending Edison and Parker as transfer students be impacted by the consolidation?
    Students who currently attend these schools on a transfer will be able to finish their K-5 education at the schools. However, we will need to restrict or deny future transfers, including siblings until all students who reside in the new attendance areas are placed in their new schools.
