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Putnam County R-I Schools



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First Grade Has Been Working Hard On Math Facts!

In first grade we have to master our addition facts up to the sum of 10.  To make it a little more fun we complete 1 minute timed tests, and as they pass they move up.  In May we reward the students with banana splits.  The kicker is, you have to earn the parts of the banana split by passing your facts.  If you pass all of your math facts you get a giant banana split with all of the fixings!  This is a fun incentive for the students!  To help them out, we have divided the students up in RTI (Intervention Groups) based on what math fact they are working on.  We take weekly fact tests, so our groups change weekly.  For some extra practice all of the students had to answer 4 math fact problems on a strip of paper to help decorate our classroom tree!  Keep working on those math facts first grade!!!