2nd Grade Track and Field
May 3, 2019
Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe that we only have 9 days of school left! We have several fun things planned to wrap up the year! We will be walking to the Dairy Lane and city park, having a read-a-thon, track and field day, and our classroom end of the year celebration party!
Next week in:
Communication Arts: We are working on idioms, and studying famous Americans/inventors. Within this unit we will be studying author’s purpose, character traits, point of view and comparing the lives of famous Americans/inventors.
Spelling: A spelling list is in the Friday folder. This is the LAST test of the year!
Math: We have been working on measurement, graphs, and line plots. We will work on geometric shapes and fractions next week.
Social Studies/Science: We will be wrapping up our transportation/communication unit and we will begin our biographies on inventors next week!
Upcoming Events:
May 10- Track and Field Day
May 16- Early Out - Last Day
Mrs. Trimble
Elementary Track and Field Day- May 10, 2019
100-Yard Dash
Pre-School- 8:30
K- 8:40
1st- 8:50
2nd- 9:00
We will have students’ line up by class and run girls first and boys second.
Softball Throw
Pre-School- 9:10 1st- 10:10
K- 9:40 2nd- 10:40
Each student will get two throws; farthest throw will be scored.
Long Jump (triple jump pit)
Pre-School- 9:40 1st- 10:40
K- 9:10 2nd- 10:10
Sack Race (south of football stands)
Pre-School- 10:10 1st- 9:10
K- 10:40 2nd- 9:40
Obstacle Course (south of football stands)
Pre-School- 10:40 1st- 9:40
K- 10:10 2nd- 9:10
Break for Lunch
12:00-3:00: Free time