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Samantha Waugh Elementary Music Teacher Elementary Music Teacher. Phone: Email: Samantha Waugh
Celebrate Music & Art Appreciation Month!
🎼March is Music in our Schools and Youth Art Month !🎨 🥳Check out the fun our music and art teachers have planned for next week to help celebrate! 👩🏫👨🏫Monday, March 20: Parent-Teacher Conferences from 9 am-Noon. Enjoy your . . .
Samantha Waugh: Teacher Spotlight
It's Music In Our Schools Month, and what better time to shine a light on Mrs. Samantha Waugh, our elementary music teacher! We asked Mrs. Waugh who or what inspired her to pursue a career in music education. She told us, "I . . .
Music In Our Schools Month
March has been proclaimed as Music In Our Schools Month by the Governor of Missouri. We are focusing on music education and music in our culture. Something that I tell the students when they ask me, "Why is music important?", I . . .
Tooty-Ta in Kindergarten
Kindergarten is just wrapping up our bear unit and sometimes it is just fun to be silly! We danced and sang the "Tooty Ta". It was a blast to let loose and have fun! Singing relieves stress and creates feelings of . . .
All the Bells and Whistles
Putnam County Elementary School musicians are working hard all the time. Fifth grade is using skills gained from years of music class to play the recorder. Playing a musical instrument activates many different parts of their growing brains, . . .
Movers and Shakers in Elementary Music!
The first two weeks of kindergarten music were so much fun! We started off by learning how to follow cues and directions in music. We used egg shakers to play until the lyrics in the songs told us to stop. Then we played freeze dance and . . .
Shaving Cream, Spelling Words, and Summer School Fun!
Today, we started off strong with reading and math in the morning. In the afternoon, we decided to enrich our learning with shaving cream on our desks. In the shaving cream, we worked on math problems and rhyming words! It was so much . . .
Spring Music Program
Mark your calendars for Monday, April 19, 2021. It will be a fun-filled evening as we present three programs in the Middle School Auditorium. The kindergarten class will be performing at 6. Kindergarten has been working hard on an . . .
Music of Africa
This month 5th-grade students are beginning to learn about the music and instruments of Africa. We first learn about how diverse Africa is and that we can only really cover about 10% of the instruments and culture. According to our Missouri . . .
Musical Mad Minutes
Starting this semester, every student in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade will begin each music class with a musical timed test. One of our Missouri State Standards is that students can identify note names. If we practice every single time we come to . . .
Music Madness
March has been recognized as Music In Our Schools Month since 1973. This year, I am making a bracket for students to vote on the best songs. I have included everything from “The Git Up” to “William Tell Overture”. . . .
A Professor at Putnam County Elementary
Professor John Francis from Hannibal-LaGrange University visited our first and third grade students during music. These two grade levels are learning about instrument families and instruments. Third grade has even been making their own . . .
New Year, New Music
Music class at PC Elementary is already off to a FANTASTIC start! In fifth grade, we started our “Music of Africa” unit. This unit exposes our fifth graders to different cultures and music. We started out by discussing the . . .
Musical Detectives
Today in third-grade music, we were musical detectives! We have been working on reading rhythms. We used invisible ink and blacklight pens to find rhythms hidden throughout the music room. We copied them down to index cards and worked with . . .
Preparing for Christmas Already!
Elementary Music Program
In music, we have been working hard for our Christmas program for over a month now! Please mark your calendars for December 3rd! Starting at 6 pm, first-grade will perform. Then at 6:45 pm, second-grade students will perform. To . . .
Promoting Literacy in the Music Room
Literacy is the ability to read and write. I believe it is one of the most important skills a student gains in school. It may not seem like a priority in the music classroom, but I strive to promote literacy in my music classroom. . . .
Third-Grade Improvisation
This week and next week, Third-Grade students will be working on improvising in Music class. We have been playing with egg shakers, hand drums, rhythm sticks, and tambourines. Now, we will sing a verse of . . .
Music In Our Schools Month
For over 30 years, March has been designated by the National Association for Music Education to celebrate Music In Our Schools Month. This month is used to raise awareness of how important music is in . . .
This week the 4th-grade students began to learn to play the recorder. In classes leading up to playing the recorder, students have been diligently learning how to read rhythms and learn the letter names of each note. It is so important for . . .
Carnival of the Animals
Today in First Grade music class, we began to learn about “Carnival of the Animals” by Camille Saint-Saens. We started to read a book called “Carnival of the Animals” by Barrie . . .
Bears in Music!
This month in Kindergarten, we have been working on our bear unit. We started out by singing "Grumpy Grizzly". Grumpy Grizzly is a bear who is sleeping in his cave and we do not want to wake him up! Then we talked about why a bear . . .
2nd Grade Music
In 2nd grade music, we are in the middle of our train unit. We are using songs like “Engine, Engine” to teach us the difference between beat and rhythm, and solfege pitches sol and mi. The . . .
Elementary Ready to Make Music with Mrs. Waugh
Putnam County R-1 Elementary would like to introduce our music teacher, Mrs. Samantha Waugh! Mrs. Waugh graduated from Hannibal LaGrange University with a Bachelors Degree in Education. She is certified to teach K-12 . . .