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Putnam County R-I Schools



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    WELCOME TO SECOND GRADE!  On the first day of school, Mrs. Jones' second graders took a stand to BE KIND. They read many different books about the importance of not being a bully, helping others, showing our friends that we care and standing up for others. The students thought the most important part about being kind was to help each other. Whether it was helping them with their work, tying a shoe, sticking up for each other, and not leaving anyone out! We discussed as a class how we all can make a difference in the world by being kind. A simple gesture as a smile or a fist bump could make someone's day better! Each student received an I PROMISE TO STOP BULLYING pledge that they signed. It said, I, (student's name) pledge not to bully! I will not bully others. I will not leave anyone out. I will help others being bullied. If I cannot stop a bully, I will tell an adult. I care, I can help, I can make a change! I will stand up for what is right. The end of bullying will begin with me!


Mrs. Jones