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Putnam County R-I Schools



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Welcome Back!

August 31, 2018


Dear Parents,


Last week I sent home a little yellow piece of paper that was an order form for Highlight magazines.  I received one that ordered online, but it did not have a name and address on it. I need to know who ordered online, so I can finish filling out the required paperwork.  Please just send me a note or email me letting me know who ordered online. Thank you so much.


We are still working on practicing classroom rules and procedures.  We are flipping cards now for behaviors and walking laps for bathroom behaviors.  Please continue to talk with your child about classroom rules and procedures for school.  Every little bit of practice helps.


Please continue to practice the flashcards that were sent home.  The words that were sent home this week are preschool and kindergarten words.  I will be sending first grade words home soon. Practicing the cards is a very vital part to your child’s reading success.  Please remember to return the signature page on Fridays.


Communication Arts: We are still reviewing our alphabet letters and sounds.  We are also working on nice, neat handwriting. Please stress to your child the importance of neat handwriting.  


Math: We are still reviewing our numbers and counting/writing to 120.  


Social Studies: We will start at a later date.


Science:  We will start at a later date.


Spelling: We haven’t started spelling yet.  We will start after the fair. Please continue to practice the flashcards each night.   


Friendly Reminders/Upcoming Events:

-milk tickets are $7.00 for 20 punches and $1.75 for 5 punches.  Please make sure your child has a milk ticket.

-Please send a snack if your child wants a snack everyday to eat.

-Water bottles are allowed if they have a lid.

-Baggie Books will start at a later date.

-Please practice tying shoes with your child.  I have several students that do not know how to tie their shoes.

-No school on September 3, 2018 due to Labor Day.

-Early out September 4-6th for Putnam County Fair.

-No school on September 7, 2018 for Putnam County Fair.

-No school on September 10t, 2018 for Professional Development.



Mrs. Blankenship