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Putnam County R-I Schools

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Medications on School Campus


With student safety being our #1 priority here at PCR-I, I want to take a minute to discuss our policies and procedures regarding prescription and over-the-counter medication at school. Our policy states that ALL medication that comes in the school must be kept in the nurse’s office. If it is a prescription medication it must be in the original container with a pharmacy label attached. The label must clearly state the student’s name and provide clear instructions on time and amount to be dispensed. If it is an over-the-counter medication it must be accompanied with a parent note stating times and amount to be given. All controlled medications are kept in a double lockbox in the nurse’s office. Medications are counted and recorded. 

If a student has a severe, life-threatening condition, such as anaphylaxis or asthma, they may be required to keep their life-saving medications (inhaler, EpiPen) on them at all times. In these cases, the nurse will need a letter provided by the child’s doctor stating the need and a signed permission form by parents for students to self-administer medications. The student must prove that they are responsible and trained in administering their own medication. 

While Tylenol or Ibuprofen may seem harmless to most, it can be life-threatening to students who are taking medications that react or have certain health conditions where it is contraindicated. If a student is caught in violation of these policies, disciplinary action will be taken and could result in suspension from school. If medication schedules cannot be worked around school hours, please notify the nurse at 660-947-3361, extension 319 to set up a plan for your student. Thanks for your help and cooperation in keeping our kids safe!!