Kindergarten News! (Nov. 2, 2018)
Dear Parents,
First of all, thank you so much to the room parents, treat senders, etc. that made our fall party a tremendous success! I know the students had a wonderful time, and I am truly grateful for all your help and support!
Communication Arts: This week we began Theme 3: “We’re A Family.” We practiced blending and segmenting the onset and rime of words as well as met a new alphafriend, Tiggy Tiger, for the letter Tt. We also learned about using movement and family words, reviewed letters Mm and Ss, and learned a new high-frequency word: my. Finally, we worked on evaluating stories we read, discussed characters/setting, and practiced blending/reading -at words.
Math: This week we began Topic 3. We practiced counting to the numbers 6 - 9. We also worked on reading and writing numbers 6 and 7.
Baggie Books Coming Soon! Starting after Thanksgiving break, I will be sending a baggie book and/or high-frequency word flash cards (it may vary every night) home with your child to read to you every night (Mon.-Thurs.) and return back to school the next day. We need practice reading and identifying high-frequency words, and I know that the few minutes it will take to do this every night will make a big difference.
The books that your child reads to you can be written down and used for the Book-It reading logs to earn Pizza Hut certificates.
After every five days that your child returns the completed and signed baggie book/flash cards, they will receive a prize from the prize box.
If for some reason I am gone, I will not expect my substitute teacher to trade out homework. Instead, feel free to repeat the homework from the night before or take the night off. 😊
Finally, I know how busy everyone’s lives can be, and there will be occasions when your child forgets and/or does not have time to complete it. Therefore, students will be given three free homework passes each month from completing this homework. After that, students will be required to walk during recess if they do not complete their homework. This is to help them learn responsibility and get in the habit of reading baggie books every night as they will be doing something similar in first grade.
Cold Weather: As you have noticed, the weather is getting colder—brrr! Therefore, please remember to send your child to school with warm coat, hat, gloves, etc. A few students are coming to school either under-dressed and/or without a coat and have been complaining because it is cold outside. All students are expected to go outside for recess--they need the fresh air and exercise! We have two 20-minute recesses each day, so it is imperative for students to be dressed warmly on those cold days. Thanks so much for your help!
Reminders/Upcoming Dates:
No School: Nov. 21-23 for Thanksgiving break
Veteran’s Day Assembly - Friday, Nov. 9 at 9:00 a.m. in the HS gym
2nd quarter midterm: Nov. 16
Grandparents’ Day: Tuesday, Nov. 20 from 9:00-11:00
12:45 early dismissal: Nov. 20 for Thanksgiving break
November Book-It reading logs are due back by Monday, Dec. 3.
Picture Retake Day: Thursday, Dec. 6
Next PTO meeting: Thursday, Dec. 6 at 4:30 in the elementary library
Next Character Ed. Assembly: Friday, Dec. 14 (Both Nov. and Dec. winners will be recognized at that time.)
Homework: Students will be expected to be able to tie their own shoes when they return to school after Christmas break. Therefore, please work on this skill daily as well as zipping his/her coat if your child continues to need help with this.
Things that need to come back to school on Monday:
Rest mat (washed and in zipped plastic bag)
Friday folder
Snack for snack time (every day)
Homework (if any)
Milk and/or lunch money (if needed)
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Sara Ingersoll