Superintendent's Message - January 29, 2021

  • A Message from Dr. Chris Lowder, Superintendent 01/29/2021
    Superintendent Lowder
    Our PreK-3rd grade students will return to the classroom four days per week beginning Tuesday, Feb. 16th. Additionally, students in grades 4-12 who receive services through the Exceptional Children, English Language Learners (ELL), 504 and McKinney-Vento programs also will return to school four days per week. Our Board of Education voted to make this transition during its Annual Planning Session. Students in 4th and 5th grades will return to school four days per week on March 15th. Middle and high school students will continue to attend school in Plan B, per governor’s orders.
    As we make preparations for these students’ return to campus, we continue to monitor COVID-19 metrics in Cabarrus County and in our school system. We are encouraged by the reduction in the county percent positive rate, which now stands at 12%  -- down from 13% last week and 18.2% three weeks ago. Even with the reduction, we all should continue to be diligent about protecting ourselves and each other by wearing a mask, washing our hands and watching our distance.
    We resumed publication of the district’s Weekly COVID Case Report on Jan. 25th. You may recall that we suspended the report when the Board of Education voted to move all students to remote learning from Dec. 14, 2020--Jan. 15, 2021. The report now includes a couple of new features. In addition to the number of student and staff COVID cases, you also will find the number of students and staff who are quarantined. We’ve also added a link to the Cabarrus Health Alliance COVID Data site, which contains data and information about the entire county.
    Since my last update, we’ve launched a new district website. The new site is modern and includes interactive elements and quick and easy access to high-demand information, as well as new features. Be sure to take a few minutes and look around at all it has to offer. Our school sites also will launch new designs over the next few months.
    Our district Middle School Realignment Team will host a Public Information Session on Feb. 11th at 6:30 p.m. This realignment project is being conducted in preparation for the opening of the new Roberta Road Middle School in August 2022. The realignment attendance zones may impact students at C.C. Griffin, Harris Road, Harold E. Winkler, Hickory Ridge, J.N. Fries and Northwest Cabarrus Middle Schools. The current draft realignment options are available at
    Thank you for your continued cooperation and support and for the opportunity to teach your children. We are committed to their academic, emotional and social growth despite the unusual circumstances in which we’re operating.
    Chris Lowder, Ed.D.