Superintendent's Message - June 1, 2020

  • A Message from Dr. Chris Lowder, Superintendent 06/01/2020
    Superintendent Lowder
    Today, we begin a new month that follows days and nights of unrest in our communities and our nation. Cabarrus County Schools joins with others in our community in denouncing violence, inequality and injustice.
    For far too long in our country, African-Americans have been denied the basic rights, freedoms and liberties granted to their fellow Americans. We have seen this play out over and over again throughout our history. We cannot continue to allow systems to thrive that support behaviors that are clearly wrong, unjust and inhumane.
    Racism, prejudice, hatred, bigotry and bias have no place in our society, our community or our schools. In Cabarrus County Schools, we know there is much more work to be done, but we will continue to have the difficult but necessary conversations with school leaders and staff to identify, recognize and eliminate cultural biases in our classrooms. We will continue our work to create learning and working environments where all viewpoints are welcome and valued so that our students, especially, will feel seen and heard.
    We offer our condolences to the families of the most recent victims of high-profile systemic racism and bias -- Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. Their deaths were unnecessary and senseless.
    It will take all of us working together throughout our community to dismantle these systems of oppression and bigotry, and it’s imperative that we do. We owe it to our children and their children’s children to create a society that has evolved beyond treating people differently simply because of the color of their skin to one that is enlightened and accepting of all citizens regardless of our differences.
    Chris Lowder, Ed.D.