Superintendent's Message - October 30, 2019

  • A Message from Dr. Chris Lowder, Superintendent 11/12/2019
    Superintendent Lowder
    We are excited to announce the 9th Annual CCS Holiday eCard Contest! Once again this year, students will have the opportunity to design a holiday greeting that will be used in my official holiday communications. Winners will be invited to attend the January Board of Education business meeting for public recognition. The entry deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, December 6, 2019. You can find contest details here.
    Many of our schools hosted events and participated in activities honoring veterans in our community. We have compiled a photo gallery of snapshots from the events and posted it here on our district website and also on our social media sites. A special video feature also is planned to air on CabCoSchools TV21.
    Cabarrus County Schools ESL Department will host a Guide to University workshop on November 13th from 7 to 8:30 pm at El Puente Hispano. The workshop will include information about how to use, apply to colleges and financial aid. It will be presented in Spanish.
    Congratulations to Royal Oaks Elementary School on its recent designation as a Gold LEED energy efficient school. We celebrated this news at a special ceremony on Nov. 7th where representatives from the U.S. Green Building Council presented the school with its LEED-certified plaque.
    Nominations are now being accepted for the Hickory Ridge Elementary School mascot. You can submit your nominations until Nov. 26th.
    Remember you can submit your Program Choice applications for the 2020-2021 school year through Dec. 19th. Program Choice options include STEM, IB, language immersion, early colleges and a variety of National Academy Foundation-certified academies for high school students. There also are seats available in our expanded K-6 fine arts program and for rising 10th grade students in our two new academies – Aviation and Aerospace at West Cabarrus High School and Architecture and Construction at Mount Pleasant High School. Be sure you and your students take a look at all of these excellent options.
    Chris Lowder, Ed.D.