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The Members of the Board of Education

Meet the Board   
Top Left-Right
Dave Sonkin-Trustee
Donna Noesi-Vice President
Linda Jurs- President
Theresa Patiri-Trustee

Bottom Left-Right
Robert Verdi-Trustee
Catherine Wieland-Trustee
Ari McKenzie-Trustee


You can contact the Board of Education by emailing:

Meeting minutes, agendas, and public notices can be viewed in the File Cabinet.

Public Participation in Board Meetings   
The Babylon Board of Education and Administration welcomes your attendance at Board of Education meetings. Board meetings, including public comment periods, are meetings of the board in public, not meetings of the public. It is critical that boards be able to conduct their business without disruption. While public comments are not required by law, the Board of Education recognizes the value of community participation. As such, public comment affords community members the opportunity to address the Board of Education on matters under consideration.

The procedure for public participation during the public portion of the meeting designated for this purpose is as follows:
  • Those who address the Board must do so from the podium only and must state their name. The Board President will indicate when comments are permitted and will maintain order for each speaker.
  • Speakers will have three minutes to comment. As the three minute mark approaches, speakers will be prompted to finish their thought.
  • All attendees will be respectful while a speaker is addressing the Board. All comments are to be directed only to the Board.
  • The Board will not permit “polling” of Board members by speakers.
  • After speakers have had an opportunity to do so, the Board of Education and/or Administration will do their best to provide responses to questions or comments.
  • Public discussion on matters relating to staff and students, at which their reputation, privacy or rights to due process, or those of others could in some way be violated, is prohibited. Additionally, neither the Board nor Administration will discuss questions from the public regarding collective bargaining negotiations or legal matters. Please share personnel compliments or concerns with the board in writing. You may deliver your statement to our district clerk and/or email your statement to members of the school board at
  • All in attendance at the Board of Education Public Meeting must conduct themselves in a respectful manner. Personal attacks on individual board members, administrators, staff or any other person will not be tolerated and may be cause to adjourn the meeting.
Thank you for your cooperation.

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