Special Education
Lisa P. Consolo, District Director of Special Education
A Message from the District Director
Dear Babylon Families,
Each year, as September approaches, we experience a myriad of emotions—excitement, anticipation, enthusiasm and, even some trepidation, to name a few. For those of us working in Special Education, the commencement of each school year is a time for renewal, a fresh start, and a new chance to make a meaningful difference in our students’ lives.
We believe that all students have the ability to learn and grow. We understand that children acquire knowledge in different ways, and that it is our responsibility to discover the best way to reach each child. We take the time to understand our students’ strengths and interests because they provide the best “roadmap” to address their needs.
Throughout the school year, there will be many opportunities for you to interact with your child’s teachers and therapists. Please take advantage of each of these moments as they will strengthen the “home-school” connection. We believe that building a strong partnership with our families will yield more positive, stronger outcomes for our students.
It is my sincere hope that as we approach June, a new collection of emotions will present itself—pride, gratitude, relief and, yes, excitement and anticipation for the summer break and the upcoming school year.
I look forward to meeting each of you throughout the year. Please know that I am available to speak with you at any time.
Lisa P. Consolo
District Director of Special Education
Child Find/Referral
Children are referred to the CPSE/CSE if they are suspected of having a disability that adversely affects educational performance and ability to learn.
Requests for referrals are made in writing and include a referral source, the concerns of the parent and teachers, and instructionally relevant information that informs what evaluations and supports are needed. The school district ensures parent involvement and provides information about pre-referral supports for the student prior to the referral.
Parents are engaged and provided the opportunity to communicate and collaborate during the referral and evaluation process. Parents and caregivers are consulted about their concerns for the child and the reason for referral. Informed consent for evaluation is requested in a timely manner.
Referral information is part of the child's educational record and must be maintained as confidential.
The CSE provides the parents with prior written notice, procedural safeguards notice and relevant information regarding the reason for referral and recommended evaluations, in clear and understandable language.
If you suspect your preschool child (ages 3-5) or your school age child (5-21) may have a disability, please call the Special Education Department at 893-7941.
Guiding Principles for IEP Development
- Child centered
- Shared responsibility/parental participation
- Special education is a service, not a place (LRE)
- General Education Curriculum/Standards and Assessments
- Based on individual strengths and needs
- Planning for adult outcomes
- Includes positive behavioral supports
- Tool to guide instruction and measure progress
Prior Written Notice
Prior Written Notice (PWN) is what your school district must give you, by law, before making changes in your child's special education program. IDEA requires that you receive PWN -- in your native language -- before your child is evaluated; before your child is moved from a special-education to a regular-education classroom or vice versa; before changes are made in services like speech, physical, or occupational therapy; and generally before anything specified in the IEP is altered. The PWN should explain in detail why the changes are being made -- and, if you are the one requesting a change, why the change will not be made. This gives you an opportunity to respond before your child is affected by the proposed changes.