Upcoming Events for PCR-I
High School:
● 7/19 Free sports physicals PCMH Speciality Clinic
● 7//15-8/7-Gym closed for cleaning and waxing
● 7/16-7/24- MSHSAA related activities-Dead Period
● 7/30-8/7- MSHSAA Athletic Dead Period
● 8/1-8/7- Halls cleaned and waxed
● 8/1-8/4 JV Cheer Camp with Coach Watt 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
● 8/1-8/5 Band Camp with Mr. Waugh
● 8/8- First day of high school fall sports practice
● 8/8 Monday ○ Senior class registration 8:00-10:00 in the library ○ Junior class registration 1:00-3:00 in the library
● 8/9 Tuesday ○ Sophomore class registration 8:00-10:00 in the library ○ Freshman Orientation 5:30 p.m. in the auditorium
● 8/10-8/11 New Teacher workshop
● 8/15-8/17 Teacher workdays
● 8/16- Meet the Teacher Night 5-6 p.m.
● 8/22- First day of school
Middle School:
● Gym will be closed from July 15-August 7.
● Dead period for MSHSAA-related activities this year is July 16- 24. The athletic dead period is July 30 through August 7
● Halls cleaned and waxed August 1- August 7
● JH Cheer Camp August 1-4 8:30 am -3:30 pm with Coach Sturch
● MS Registration Tuesday, August 9
o 6th-grade orientation- 10 am
o 8th grade- 1 pm
o 7th grade- 2 pm
● New Student Registration Wednesday, August 10
o Last name A-M from 9-11 am
o Last name N-Z from 1-3 pm
● First day of Varsity Fall Sports Practice Monday, August 8
● First day of JH sports practice is Monday 8/15
● New Teacher workshop August 10-11
● Teacher workdays August 15-17
● Meet the Teacher night on August 16 from 5-6 pm
● School will start on August 22.
● August 10 and 11--New Teacher Workshop
● August 15-17 Teacher Workdays
● August 16–Open House
● August 22--First Day of School
PreK: LaDonna Roberts & Stephanie Salisbury
Kindergarten: Dennice Anders, Amanda Carleton, Samantha Shipley
First: Tara Fenton, Amanda Hamilton, Mandy Taylor
Second: Amy Andrews, Cheryl Mayer, Darcee Schwartzkopf
Third: Kaylee Minear, Kalie Sturch
Fourth: Aimee Huse, Beth Williams
Fifth: Dallas Halley, Gayla Whitworth
Art: Tammy Dooley
Guidance Counselor: Kerri Spitzer
Librarian: Robin Caley
Music: Samantha Waugh
Nurse: Stephanie Gillum
Physical Education: Blane Robinson
Speech: Davye Heine, Kellyn Robinson
Special Education: Ashley Jones, Angela Smith
Title I: Alice Heidenwith, Julie Halley, Wendy Tipton, Connie Wood