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Putnam County R-I Schools



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PCR-I Thanks Brundage Farms: MO Beef Donor

Brenda Valentine

Reise, Traylen, Britney, Reggie, and Torqe Brundage

The Mo Beef Mo Kids Mo Fit (MoBKF) program connects schools and their foodservice professionals to cattle farmers and ranchers to “beef” up school lunches. Our goal is to provide more beef, more often in the lunchroom, while implementing food and nutrition education in the classroom. This powerful partnership highlights the important message and journey of food and nutrition while adding important protein to a student’s diet. WIN-WIN!



At this time, we would like you to help us thank our most recent donors, Brundage Farms. Reggie and Britney (Harbert) Brundage are both PCHS graduates. Reggie graduated in 1990, Britney graduated in 1999. They married in 2004. Reggie and Britney have 3 children. Their son Torqe is a 2020 graduate of PCHS, Reise is a freshman at PCHS, and Traylen is a 7th-grader at PCMS. They purchased the family farm in 2012. The family farm was started in 1951.



Reggie and Britney are strong supporters of the Putnam County Midgets, from softball to football, baseball to track, band to FFA, and more. They are happy to donate to the MoBeef for MoKids program to provide quality beef for school lunches, and to educate kids on where their meals come from.



Thank you to Reggie & Britney for your continuous support of our schools and children.



This program in our school is only as strong as the individuals supporting it. While we are fortunate to have a strong community standing behind us, Mo Beef for Mo Kids has a lot of moving parts. In addition to finding donors for the beef, our school must also work through processing and storage logistics.



Mast Meats currently has an opening for another beef from a Mo Beef for Mo Kids donor. With your donation, we can help continue to provide locally grown beef to our students.



If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a sponsor or beef donor, please contact Mrs. Sarah Bradshaw at 660-947-3361, ext 307, or call the Superintendent's office.



You can also learn more about the program at www.mobeefkids.com


Putnam County R-I is blessed with many community members and alumni who continue to support our district and students. Thank you so much for your continued support. We appreciate you!