PCR-I Celebrates the Arts
Music in our Schools & Youth Art Month
Celebrating the Arts
The Arts Appreciation Month of March:
Music in Our Schools Month & Youth Art Month
*We will be celebrating the Arts the week of March 15th-March 19th.
Students and staff can show support by participating in the following
dress-up days and activities:
Music Monday:
Dress Musically...wear band t-shirt or music themed clothes
Sing an encouraging song to a friend or family member
Super Tuesday:
The Arts are Super! Wear your favorite Superhero t-shirt
Draw or design a new superhero
Come up with a theme song to go along with your new hero
Wacky Wednesday:
Keep Calm and Color On! Dress in colorful clothing
Create a colorful landscape and give it a name, while listening to your favorite appropriate song.
Tie-Dye Thursday:
Wear Tie-Dye today to celebrate the art and music of the 60’s
Send photos/video of you participating in this weeks celebration to Mrs. Dooley’s email: tdooley@putnamcountyr1.net by today to be shared
Funky Friday:
Dress up like you’re from the 70’s or 80’s!
*Send photos/video of your artwork, singing, and of you dressing up to
Mrs. Dooley’s email: tdooley@putnamcountyr1.net by Thursday morning so we can show it during lunch on Friday.
~Students and Staff that show the most ART SPIRIT by participating will have names put in a drawing for prizes.~
Mrs. Waugh, Mrs. Dooley, Mrs. Booth, and Ms. Hines are excited to celebrate with you!
-Please dress, draw, and sing appropriately. All school rules apply.
Celebrating the Arts: March 2021