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Putnam County R-I Schools

Elementary School


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Preschool Enrollment This Saturday!

Hello Putnam County! 

We are starting Preschool Enrollment a little earlier this year. Enrollment is MANDATORY for Preschool students enrolling for the 2021-2022 school year. Enrollment for Preschool will be SATURDAY, January 16, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Your child must be 3 before August 1, 2021, to be eligible for preschool. If your child is already in the program, they still need to come for enrollment for 2021-2022. It is important you make an appointment. 

Please EMAIL Mrs. Kellyn Robinson to schedule times for your child to attend this screening. Please include the following in your email:

  • Your name and a working phone number (it is important we have a contact number)
  • Child’s name, gender, and date of birth
  • Indicate if your child is currently in daycare or a preschool program
  • Top three times you prefer (Scheduled in hour increments).

Mrs. Robinson can be reached at kwickert@putnamcountyr1.net. If you are unable to email please feel free to call 660-947-3361 ext. 333. You may need to leave a voicemail, but calls and emails will be responded to within 24 hours of a school day (weekends will vary). These spots usually fill up quickly so do not hesitate to email or call and make your appointment now! Mrs. Robinson will be unable to check voicemails while on Christmas Break but will respond to emails on occasion.

If you are not interested in your child attending preschool this year but have concerns in any area (intellectual, speech, language, etc.), please feel free to contact Mrs. Robinson at 660-947-3361 ext. 333. I can make other arrangements to screen your child. We are able to start serving students at the age of 3; therefore, please do not hesitate to contact us with any concerns.

What you need to bring on the day of screenings:

            *Child’s birth certificate           

            *Proof of residency (i.e. Rental Contract, Real Estate Contract signed by all parties, Utilities Bill/Deposit Receipt, payroll check, driver’s license, W-4 employment documents, or post-marked envelope received in the mail with your name and address on it).

            *Child’s immunization records

            *Emergency contact numbers

Copies of all of these items listed above will be made upon your arrival. Paperwork will also need to be completed for enrollment. To help speed up the process arrangements will be made to have our paperwork given to you BEFORE the screening so it can be completed at home. 

Usually, we let the nurse do a vision screening first.  She will also need to look at your child’s immunization records and let you know if there is anything they will need prior to starting school.  After having their vision tested your child will then be given the DIAL-4.  The total screening takes approximately an hour.

Masks will be required for parents/caregivers who bring the children as well as the children being screened (or anyone who enters the building). Temperature checks will also be given to all who enter the building. If you or your child have any symptoms or feel ill, please reschedule. 

Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Thanks again for the pleasure of working with your children. We love what we do and are so thankful to work in this community and school district.

Kellyn A. Robinson                                                                            

Early Childhood Special Education Director

Speech-Language Pathologist                                                         

660-947-3361 ext. 333