Cases of Comfort: Interact Club's Supply Drive for Children in Foster Care
Melissa Powell from the Children's Division spoke to PCHS students today about the challenges children face when they experience abuse or neglect and are taken from their homes and placed in foster care. Something that might seem . . .
Purple Pinky Week Update
“Because of the efforts of Rotary and its partners, almost 19 million people are walking today who would have otherwise been paralyzed.” John Germ Past President, Rotary International This week is the annual . . .
Parents' Night Out: March 19, 2022!
Hey, Putnam County Elementary parents! Are you ready for a date night? Our PCHS Interact Club has you covered! This Saturday, March 19, 2022, from 6:00 pm - 10:30 pm, PC Interact students and sponsor, Jeremy Watt, are hosting . . .
Shoes For Orphan Souls Sock and Shoe Drive
The Shoes for Orphan Souls caravan will be in town on May 15. There is still time to purchase and donate socks and shoes! The cute shoes pictured were only $5 at our local Dollar General and are perfect for . . .
4th-Grade Battle of the Socks
The Sock Battle of the 4th-grade classes. Mrs. Bain's and Mrs. Williams' 4th-grade students read Dr. Seuss's book's Fox in Socks and The Butter Battle to get the classes ready for the read-a-thon and a sock drive on . . .
Interact Shoes For Orphan Souls Fundraiser Postponed as of March 16, 2020
Putnam County High School Interact students annually team up with the Unionville Rotary Club to collect shoes that are distributed by Buckner International around the world to children who need them. This year our shoes will go . . .
Putnam County High School Interact Hosts Parents' Night Out on Friday, March 20 from 7:30 - 10:30 p.m.
Date Night
Interact Shoes For Orphan Souls Fundraiser OVERVIEW Putnam County High School Interact students annually team up with the Unionville Rotary Club to collect shoes that are distributed by . . .
Putnam County Interact
Interact students have been busy this year with several activities. Our officer election resulted in a slate of leaders who will work hard to make this year another successful year of service. Officers include President Whitney . . .
Interact Fall Retreat at Truman State University
Mr. Watt and several Putnam County Interact officers and members traveled to Truman State University (TSU) on Thursday, September 20 for the Interact Fall Retreat that was sponsored by the Thousand Hills Rotary Club of Kirksville. They . . .
Follow Putnam County Interact on Social Media
You can follow our Putnam County Interact chapter on social media. Follow PCHS Interact on Snapchat @pc_interact Follow PCHS Interact on Facebook