Physical Science Students Ignite Hydrogen
Students in Mr. Watt's Physical Science classes were able to enjoy the effects of igniting hydrogen on Tuesday. They have been studying the chemical properties of different families of elements, and are preparing for a comprehensive . . .
Federal Bureau of Elements
Chemistry students recently completed a project in which they chose an element to vilify and present as the Federal Bureau of Element's (FBE) most wanted. Check out their creative posters and awesome artwork!
Physical Science Students Consider Physical & Chemical Properties
Freshmen science students are learning to categorize matter as either a pure substance or a mixture. They are distinguishing heterogeneous and homogenous mixtures as well as elements and compounds. Part of the discussion includes the physical . . .
Chemistry Students Consider Unusual Phase Changes
Mr. Watt's Chemistry II students got to go outside this week to observe solid iodine changing straight from a solid to a gas and vice versa (sublimation and deposition) when heated and cooled. The cool part about it is that iodine . . .
Spring 2022 Putnam County JH Boys' Track Season Synopsis
Overall season schedule & meet entry information 4-5-22 - PC JH Quad+ - canceled due to weather after 8 events - leading the other teams at that point Men - . . .
A Lesson in Dissection with Mr. Watt
High school students in Mr. Watt's Biology II class experienced a lesson in dissection. It's important to know that these pigs are not bred for dissection, but are a by-product of the pork food industry. Fetal pigs are . . .
Purple Pinky Week Update
“Because of the efforts of Rotary and its partners, almost 19 million people are walking today who would have otherwise been paralyzed.” John Germ Past President, Rotary International This week is the annual . . .
Jeremy Watt: Teacher Spotlight
Help us celebrate Mr. Jeremy Watt, High School Science Teacher, Curriculum Director, and Junior High Football and Track Coach. Today is Mr. Watt's birthday! Mr. Watt has been in education for 23 years. He has enjoyed . . .
Buckminsterfullerene and Chemistry
Chemistry 1 students are currently studying the differences between the different types of chemical bonds and compounds that form because of those differences. One particularly cool discovery was made in this respect as recently as 1990. . . .
Elemental Arrangement With Excitement!
Students in Mr. Watt's chemistry classes have been conducting a variety of labs as well as watching a few demonstrations to help make learning more memorable. For instance, Chemistry 2 students have been studying thermochemistry, so they . . .
Out With the Old . . . In With the New!
PC Track Record Boards Updated
Come check out the Putnam County track record boards when you are catching a basketball game this winter. The varsity, junior high, and state championship boards received some updates this past week as follows: High School: Colder . . .
Biology 2 Students Continue Studying Genetics & Heredity
Mr. Watt's students have been studying inheritance and the structure of DNA for the past few weeks. They were able to extract DNA from wheat germ in a lab activity during the course of this unit. This will lead them right into their study . . .
Scientific Phenomena
Mr. Watt's Biology and Chemistry classes have been looking at a variety of scientific phenomena in the lab. Students are having fun putting what they have learned into practice, and the pictures and videos included here demonstrate . . .
Nitric Acid Acts Upon Copper
Chemistry students recently took a look at a historical demonstration of the wonders of discovery in chemistry. In a reenactment of Ira Remsen's (founder of the chemistry department at Johns Hopkins University) memoirs, Mr. Watt . . .
PC Junior High Football Team Camp
The Putnam County Junior High Football Team will participate in the 2-day Mini-Midget camp tonight and tomorrow night, July 19-20, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Players should report to the locker room at 6 p.m. to pick up their helmets and cleats. . . .
Wanted by the F.B.E.
Federal Bureau of Elements Most Wanted
Putnam County Chemistry students took a little bit of time and creativity this past week exploring the history of an element they chose and presenting it as a "criminal." Part of the curriculum in the course takes a look at the . . .
Mr. Watt's Biology 2 Students Participate in Dissection Lab
Prior to Christmas break, Mr. Watt's Biology 2 students had the opportunity to participate in dissecting a four-chambered heart and a fetal pig. One of the human body organs that is very similar to a pig’s is the heart. A pig . . .
Physical Science Flame Test Fun
Students in Mr. Watt's freshman science classes recently enjoyed a lab designed to help them understand the structure of an atom. They conducted flame tests with salt compounds which yield characteristic colors based upon the . . .
Biology II Students Build Models of Cell Division
Students in Mr. Watt's Biology II class recently wrapped up a unit on cell division and took the opportunity to make models of mitosis. Pictured are a few student projects that depicted the four main phases (prophase, metaphase, . . .
Mr. Watt's Biology II Students Build Models of Cell Division
Mitosis is a process that is ever-present to life, and a foundational topic necessary for the understanding of advanced topics like growth and development, reproduction, and many disease processes. Missouri Learning Standards related to . . .
Freshmen Learn To Add . . . Vectors
Mr. Watt's Physical Science classes have transitioned from studying introductory chemistry to studying introductory physics. A big part of the recent transition has been learning the difference between vector and scalar . . .
I Zinc I Like You!
We’ve Got Chemistry
With Valentine's Day just around the corner, early to mid-February is the perfect time to finish up the chemistry unit in Mr. Watt's physical science classes! After learning about the atomic structure, the periodic table, and . . .
Sophomores Working in Science to Win!
Putnam County sophomore biology students are competing this year in a nationwide science contest co-sponsored by Toshiba and the National Science Teachers’ Association. ExploraVision encourages students to pursue topics that are . . .
Jeremy Watt: Curriculum Director & High School Science
Though it marks year 16 at Putnam County and year 21 in education, this fall marks the second year Mr. Jeremy Watt will be teaching physical science and biology at Putnam County. After five years of teaching science in . . .
Interact Participates in Purple Pinky Week Fundraiser
Members of the local high school Interact Club have worked diligently over the past few weeks to plan and coordinate a fundraising event to help eradicate polio. World Polio Day was on October 24, and our Interact . . .
Excitement in the Physical Science Classroom!
Freshmen have been participating in some exciting science demonstrations in Mr. Watt's classroom this fall. They are studying physical and chemical properties and changes of a variety of elements and substances, including hydrogen . . .
3D Printer Debut's In Mr. Watt's Classes
There is an additional sense of discovery this fall, as students begin to explore possibilities with our new 3-D printer in Mr. Watt's science classroom. The Flash Forge Creator Pro has a wide variety of capabilities, and students . . .
Summer Workouts
There will be workouts available during Summer School again this year for grades 4-12. Workouts are held from 9-10 a.m. each day, beginning on Tuesday, May 21, 2019, in the High School gym with Coach Watt. You do NOT have to be enrolled . . .
New 3-D Printer In High School Science Classroom
Northeast Missouri State Teacher Association Technology Grant Award
Thanks to the Northeast Missouri State Teacher's Association, Mr. Watt's high school science room will be the new home for a Fla sh Forge 3D Printer Creator Pro this fall. Grant applications were due in February, with one . . .
Physical Science In Motion
Mr. Watt and his Physical Science students have been busy this quarter looking into the effects of motion on objects. They have conducted a series of lab investigations lately to learn more specifics about how gravity influences objects . . .
Students Apply New Concept
What do you get when you cross a mosquito with a mountain climber? Nothing. You can't cross a vector and a scalar. While the joke above is simply a play on words, Putnam County freshmen physical science students are likely . . .
Ecological Succession Study
Sophomore biology students in Mr. Watt's class are presently conducting a study to see how quickly life appears in samples of "dead" plant matter that they collected outside last week. The plant matter was submerged in a . . .
Scientific Methodology is Clicking in Room 13!
As students are preparing for comprehension checks next week, we have started using Plicker cards in Mr. Watt's science classroom in a fun and practical way. Plickers is an assessment tool made by a teacher who was looking . . .
New Science Teacher Excited About New Hats
Though it marks year 15 at Putnam County and year 20 in education, this fall marks the first time Mr. Jeremy Watt will be teaching physical science and biology at Putnam County. After five years of teaching science in Southwest . . .
New Science Teacher Excited About New Hats
Though it marks year 15 at Putnam County and year 20 in education, this fall marks the first time Mr. Jeremy Watt will be teaching physical science and biology at Putnam County. After five years of teaching science in Southwest . . .
Finding Hope Assembly for High School and Middle School Students
Jeff Morris, QPR Trainer, paid a visit today to Putnam County Middle and High School students. Mr. Morris is a former teacher, coach, and principal, who has made hundreds of presentations since he chose to begin speaking to groups . . .