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Student Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

If a parent already has insurance that will cover accident injuries, can the supplemental accident insurance be used to pay for expenses not covered by the existing plan, like deductibles or exclusions?

Where do I get claim forms for accidents covered under these policies?
Call Risk Management Services at 687-3335.

How should claims for these insurance policies be handled when an accident occurs at school?
The school should fill out the appropriate section of the claim form. Only one claim form per accident should be submitted along with all related itemized bills from the hospital or doctor. If additional bills need to be submitted later, they should be identified as related to an existing claim.

What should I do if a student has purchased supplemental coverage and he or she leaves the school district?

The students’ coverage follows them wherever they go to school. To help a student file claims correctly, give him or her several claim forms with your district and school written in.