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Covering your Dependent Children


“Child” means and includes the following:

  • An eligible employee’s, spouse’s, or domestic partner’s biological son, daughter, stepson, or stepdaughter; adopted child, child placed for adoption, or legally placed child, who is 25 or younger on the first day of the month.  Grandchildren are only eligible when the eligible employee is the court-ordered legal guardian or adoptive parent of the grandchild.
  • A person who is incapable of self-sustaining employment because of a developmental disability, mental illness, or physical disability.


Birth/Adoptions(60 days to report this QSC)

The following changes can be made to your Medical, Dental and Vision enrollments:

  • Employee may enroll newly eligible children.
  • Employee may waive medical coverage.
  • Employee may decline dental and/or vision.
    • Employee may opt out only if proof of other employer sponsored group medical benefit plan is provided to the Entity for input into the myOEBB system.
  • Employee may remove children who become eligible under spouse’s plan.
  • Coverage for a newborn child is effective on the date of birth.
    • The employee must add the newborn child to their coverage within 60 calendar days from the date of birth in order for the newborn child to be eligible for benefit coverage.
  • Coverage for a newly adopted child is effective the date of the adoption decree or placement for adoption.
    • The employee must add the adopted child to their coverage within 60 calendar days from the date of the decree or placement in order for the newly adopted child to be eligible for coverage.
  • Election of coverage may also be extended to previously eligible (but not yet enrolled) children.
  • Employee may enroll or change plans if enrolling the eligible dependent child.

The following changes can be made to your Optional Life Insurance:

  • Employee may enroll, increase, decrease, or cancel coverage even when eligibility is not affected.
    • Evidence of Insurability for Optional Employee Life and/or Optional Spouse/Domestic Partner Life will be required to become insured for more than the Guarantee Issue (GI)

Gain Eligible Child due to Marriage or Domestic Partner Eligibility

The following changes can be made to your Medical, Dental and Vision enrollments:

  • Employee may enroll eligible child in existing plans.
  • Election of coverage may also be extended to previously eligible (but not yet enrolled) children.
  • Employee may not cancel plans.

The following changes can be made to your Optional Life Insurance:

  • Employee may enroll, increase, decrease, or cancel even when eligibility is not affected. Evidence of Insurability (EOI) for Optional Employee Life and/or Optional Spouse/Domestic Partner Life will be required to become insured for more than the Guarantee Issue (GI) amount.

Child reaches age 26 or gains other group coverage

The following changes in your Medical, Dental and Vision enrollments are applicable:

  • Employee must remove ineligible child from existing plans.
  • Employee may not cancel or change plans.

The following changes in your Optional Life Insurance are applicable:

  • Employee may enroll, increase, decrease, or cancel coverage even when eligibility is not affected.
  • Employee must cancel optional child life if employee has no remaining dependents.


To add or remove a child from your plans please fill out a Midyear Change Form and return it to HR as soon as possible within the allowed time frame.

2022-23 Classified Employee Midyear Change Form

2022-23 Licensed Employee Midyear Change Form

2022-23 MAPS Employee Midyear Change Form