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Marriage, Divorce and Domestic Partnerships

Gain a Spouse or Domestic Partner by marriage or Eligibility –
The following changes to your Medical, Dental and Vision coverage is allowed if you gain a spouse or domestic partner.

  • Employee may enroll newly eligible Spouse/Domestic Partner and children.
  • Employee may waive medical coverage. Employee may decline dental and/or vision.1
  • Election of coverage may also be extended to previously eligible (but not yet enrolled) children.
  • Employee may enroll or change plans if enrolling spouse/domestic partner and eligible dependent children.
  • If electing a domestic partner, please fill out the Affidavit of Domestic Partnership.

The following changes to your Optional Life Insurance:

  • Employee may enroll, increase, decrease, or cancel coverage even when eligibility is not affected. Evidence of Insurability (EOI) for Optional Employee Life and/or Optional Spouse/Domestic Partner Life will be required to become insured for more than the Guarantee Issue(GI) amount.

Loss of Spouse or Domestic Partner by divorce, annulment, death or termination of Domestic Partnership
The following changes to your Medical, Dental and Vision coverage is allowed if you lose a spouse or domestic partner.

  • Employee must cancel elections for ineligible children, ex-Spouse or ex-Domestic Partner.
  • Employee may enroll eligible children who lost other employer sponsored group medical benefit plan.
  • Election of coverage may also be extended to previously eligible (but not yet enrolled) children.
  • Employee may enroll in plans. Employee may not cancel or change plans.

The following changes to your Optional Life Insurance:

  • Employee may enroll, increase, decrease, or cancel coverage even when eligibility is not affected. Evidence of Insurability (EOI) for Optional Employee Life will be required to become insured for more than the Guarantee Issue (GI) amount.
  • Optional Spouse/Domestic Partner life insurance.

You have 31 days from the qualifying life event effective date to make any of these changes.  Please complete the appropriate Midyear Change Form and return to HR as soon as possible within the allowed time frame.

2022-23 Licensed Employee Midyear Change Form

2022-23 MAPS Employee Midyear Change Form

2022-23 Classified Employee Midyear Change Form

1.Employee may opt out of current coverage, only if proof of other group coverage is provided to the Entity and entered into the MyOEBB system, and
other requirements are met as specified in OAR 111-040-0050.