Home » Human Resources » Student Participation » CRLE: Student Career Related Learning Experiences » CRLE Forms

CRLE Forms

Agreements are provided for each type of Career Related Learning Experience. Since liability and insurance coverage issues are affected by where the placement is made, be sure to select and complete the correct agreement.

Community Placement

Job Shadow

Students & Parents
Job Shadow Program Agreement
Learning Objectives Agreement
Emergency Card (recommended)

Volunteer (business owner, supervisor)
Criminal Background Check
Job Shadow Employer Agreement
Job Shadow Verification


Students & Parents
Mentorship Agreement
Learning Objectives Agreement
Emergency Card (recommended)

Volunteer (business owner, supervisor)
Criminal Background Check
You will sign the Mentorship Agreement that the student/parent fills out.
Private Auto Insurance form (Required only if volunteer will be transporting students.)


Students & Parents
Non-Paid Career Related Learning Experience Agreement
Learning Objectives Agreement
Emergency Card (recommended)

Volunteer (business owner, supervisor)
Criminal Background Check
You will sign Non-Paid CRLE Agreement that the student & parent fills out.
Private Auto Insurance form (Required only if volunteer will be transporting students.)

Work Experience

Students & Parents
Non-Paid Career Related Learning Experience Agreement -or-
Paid Career Related Learning Experience Agreement
Learning Objectives Agreement
Emergency Card (recommended)

Volunteer (business owner, supervisor)
Criminal Background Check
You will sign the CRLE Agreement that the student & parent fills out.
Private Auto Insurance form (Required only if volunteer will be transporting students.)

Internal 4J Placement

Career Related Learning Experience

Students & Parents
Internal 4J Career Related Learning Experience Agreement (When completing this agreement, identify the type of learning experience involved in the placement by using the CRLE Options and definitions.)
Emergency Card (recommended)

4J Staff Member or Volunteer (supervisor)
Criminal Background Check if the supervising adult is a volunteer

School-Based Enterprises

Contact Risk Management for each enterprise.

Field Trips

Work Site Tours

Students & Parents
Field Trip Permission form

4J Staff Member or Volunteer (supervisor)
Notify Risk Management Services (687-3335). Follow field trip requirements and arrange for field trip insurance.

Follow policies for transporting students