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General Information

4JA Agreement
Employee Benefits
Payroll Related Questions
Professional Conduct
Salary Schedules
Useful Links

School Calendars
Employee Work Year Calendars
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4JA Agreement
Eugene Education Association (EEA)
Oregon School Employees Association (OSEA)
4J Administrators Association (MAPS)
Eugene Association of Substitute Teachers (EAST)
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Employee Benefits
NOTE: All items with an “*” are located on the Employee Benefits page in the menu to the right.
403(b) Tax Sheltered Annuity Plan (TSA)
* 4J Benefits Related Phone Numbers
* Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
My OEBB (enrollment web site)
OEBB Home Page
* Retirement (PERS)
* The Wellness Clinic
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Payroll Related Questions
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Professional Conduct
Board Policies
District Administrative Rules
Educator Effectiveness
Performance Standards
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Salary Schedules
Administrator/Supervisor/Professional Directors
Elementary Principals
Eleven Month
Twelve Month
Licensed Teachers
Substitute Teachers
Walk-on Coach Salary Plan
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Useful Links
Activating Your Email Account
Zimbra (email) Information
Aesop OnLine (Request a Sub)
Aesop User Guides
Aesop User Guide for Campus Users
Athletics, Activities and Contacts
Athletic Handbook (revised 2018)
Board Policies
Coaching Assignments By Season
Complaint Protocols
Designated Milk Expression Room
District Administrative Rules
Employee Wage Statements Online
Field Trips:
Travel and Field Trips
Insurance Issues: Auto, Property, and Liability
Job Descriptions
Monthly Wage Statements
PERS = Retirement
Process for Teachers who Receive a Student with Exceptional Medical or Personal Care Needs
Sick Leave Bank
Eugene Education Association (EEA)
Oregon School Employees Association (OSEA)
4J Administrators Association (MAPS)
TSPC Forms = Licensed Teachers and Administrators
TSPC Home Page = Licensed Teachers and Administrators
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