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Workforce Diversity Plan: IX. School/Community Relations

As our community becomes more diverse, particularly the schools, we are seeing an increasing interest among community groups and organizations in developing relationships that will support and assist the district in developing a more diverse workforce. Many of these groups, as well as businesses and other public agencies, see it as being beneficial to their interests to collaborate and participate with the district in achieving our program goals.

Some joint ventures with community organizations can take place at the district level, but others will need to occur at the local school in the local community. As schools develop partnerships with businesses or community organizations, these efforts may include DBE’s and organizations that support and promote diversity in the community.

9.1.1 The Human Resources Department will work closely with the Minority Community Liaison in the Superintendent’s Office and the Multicultural Program Coordinator in the Instruction Department to develop and maintain relationships with community groups that are willing to work with the district to explore and develop ways to help us meet our workforce diversity goals. These could include such local groups as NAACP, Latino Coalition, Adelante Si, Asian Council, African American Community Coalition, Hispanic Business Association, Eugene and Lane County Human Rights Commissions, Mobility International, National Coalition Building Institute, Centro Latino Americano, and other groups that support and advocate for diverse groups in the community.

Other agencies have similar goals with respect to diversifying their workforces to better serve their clientele. As part of our workforce diversity efforts, we will work closely with other local school districts, public and private agencies, and businesses to develop cooperatives and joint ventures that mutually support each other’s workforce diversity goals.

9.2.1 The district will work in cooperation with other school districts and public agencies to develop and implement programs and activities that can benefit the workforce diversity goals of each. This may include cooperating on diversity training efforts, collaborating on out-of-area recruitment trips, sharing materials and resources, and joining together on projects of mutual benefit.

9.2.2 The district will work to develop cooperative ventures with local colleges and universities that can help contribute to professional development and growth opportunities for current employees or prospective employees. For example, we have a vested interest in seeing more students of color attending and graduating from the local institutions of higher education. Thus, we will want to work with them to increase representation in the teacher pipeline.

9.2.3 The district will explore opportunities to work with private sector resources, such as Chamber of Commerce and Visitors and Convention Bureau, and other organizations that can assist us in identifying and developing recruitment strategies and opportunities that will help us attract a diverse candidate pool, including for example, “trailing spouse” opportunities.