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Workforce Diversity Plan: III. Goals and Objectives

The Board of Directors of the Eugene School District 4J has committed itself through its policy statements and adoption of affirmative action goals to the implementation of a WorkForce Diversity Program. This commitment will be supported by positive practical efforts to ensure equal employment opportunity for racial/ethnic minorities, women, and people with disabilities in both securing employment and in promotional opportunities at all levels and occupational categories. This commitment will also include an organization that in the broader context:

  • Reflects the contributions and interests of diverse cultures in its mission, operations, and instructional services;
  • Is committed to eradicating institutional racism and social oppression of all forms;
  • Includes members of diverse cultures in decisions that affect them;
  • Values diversity and views the differences between people as a strength;
  • Uses management practices and policies that emphasize participation and empowerment of all people in the organization;
  • Creates a working environment where all people are valued; and,
  • Follows through on broader external social responsibilities by educating employees and students in multicultural perspectives.

As part of its comprehensive workforce diversity plan, the Board adopts the following general program goals:

3.1.1 To achieve and maintain classified, licensed, and management employment levels of racial/ethnic minorities, women, and people with disabilities at least in proportion to their availability in the relevant labor market;

3.1.2 To achieve for licensed staff, and others who work directly with students, racial/ethnic minority representation comparable to their representation in the student population by the year 2001.

In furtherance of the District’s diversity values and program goals, the board establishes the following program objectives:

3.2.1 To identify areas of underrepresentation of people of color and women and outline the action steps necessary to increase their representation in those areas where they are significantly underrepresented.

3.2.2 To employ women, people of color, and people with disabilities throughout all levels of the organization and throughout all job classifications and occupational categories.

3.2.3 To eliminate and prevent recurrence of systemic discriminatory practices relating to employment, or access to promotion, within the district for women, men, people of color or people with disabilities.

3.2.4 To identify and define problem areas and barriers to achieving workforce diversity and take affirmative actions where necessary.

3.2.5 To outline and implement management actions and targeted recruitment plans for the attainment of program goals.

3.2.6 To implement a workforce diversity evaluation process in order to systematically gauge the district’s progress towards goals and the effectiveness of action plans.

3.2.7 To provide a biennial progress report to the Board of Directors.

In implementation of these workforce diversity goals and objectives, consideration will be given to some of the possible constraints that may affect our ability to achieve them in the manner and time frame desired. While we recognize that these factors may serve as constraints, we nonetheless will view them only as challenges that we will not let derail our overall efforts.

Some of these possible constraints are:

  1. Continuing decline in staff due to shrinking enrollments and/or changing demographics;
  2. Fewer vacancies;
  3. Possible cutbacks in staffing due to budget reductions;
  4. Decreasing promotional opportunities;
  5. Uneven numbers of qualified applicants available in different job classes;
  6. Size of the organizational unit involved;
  7. Requirement to meet essential staffing needs of schools or departments at times not always favorable to recruitment of people of color, women or people with disabilities;
  8. Loss of positions due to reductions in categorical funding;
  9. Limited funds for recruitment of licensed, professional and management personnel; and,
  10. Other related and relevant factors affecting the District’s ability to achieve goals and objectives.