Home » Human Resources » Educator Effectiveness » Standard 4-B: Collaboration and Leadership » Standard 4-B: Collaboration and Leadership Examples of Evidence

Standard 4-B: Collaboration and Leadership Examples of Evidence

Examples of Evidence to Look for in Assessing the Licensed Faculty Member’s Level of Performance

  • Reflection log
  • Reflection journal
  • Dated notes from collaboration meetings
  • Documented feedback from colleagues
  • Peer feedback on video recording of classroom performance
  • Peer feedback on audio recording of classroom performance
  • Documentation of progress toward professional goals over time
  • Documentation of activities undertaken to achieve professional goals
  • Documentation of participation in professional development
  • Reflection on participation in professional development
  • Participation in mentoring
  • Participation in new teacher induction
  • Professional portfolio
  • Participation on school committees
  • Student feedback surveys
  • Agendas/notes from leadership roles
  • Professional growth plan
  • Pursuit of advanced degree
  • Awards and recognitions