Home » Human Resources » Educator Effectiveness » Standard 1-C: Knowledge of Child Development » Standard 1-C: Knowledge of Child Development Examples of Evidence

Standard 1-C: Knowledge of Child Development Examples of Evidence

Examples of Evidence to Look for in Assessing the Licensed Faculty Member’s Level of Performance

  • Course syllabus
  • District curriculum guides
  • Adaptation of lesson plans to multiple ability levels and backgrounds
  • Classroom observations
  • Learning style inventories
  • Skills hierarchy
  • Student work samples/portfolios/demonstrations
  • Student feedback
  • Formative student assessments and rubrics
  • Assessment data
  • Student engagement
  • Student performance on state assessments
  • Collaboratively developed lesson plans or units
  • Grouping of students
  • Multiple ways that students demonstrated learning
  • Posted goals and/or learning targets for student and teacher use
  • Artifacts and student materials reflecting multiple cultures and ethnicities
  • Student materials appropriate to multiple ability levels and language proficiencies
  • Teacher reference materials
  • Cross-curricular content materials
  • Community resources
  • Career-related materials illustrating a range of complexity within a field
  • Handouts/guides from professional development sessions or conferences