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Licensed Specialists

Licensed Specialists Professional Growth & Evaluation

The Licensed Specialist Professional Growth and Evaluation system is specifically created for Eugene School District licensed employees who provide specialized service and expertise to students, staff, and families outside the classroom and/or as supplemental service to classroom teaching efforts.

Many licensed specialists serve in the Educational Support Services Department, but specialists are also employed throughout the entire district to provide professional development and other specialized support to teachers, administrators, and others. Regardless of the area of expertise and the service provided, the licensed specialist’s focus is to be on students, increasing student achievement, and improving the effectiveness of educators.

Licensed specialists include such positions as:

  • Adaptive Physical Education Specialist
  • After School Program Coordinator
  • Assistive Technology Specialist
  • Augmentative Communication Specialist
  • Autism Consultant
  • Behavior Consultant
  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing Interpreter Coordinator
  • Librarian/Media Specialist
  • Mental Health Therapist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Physical Therapist
  • Regional Equity and Essential Skills Specialist
  • School Nurse
  • School Psychologist
  • Special Education Consultant
  • Speech and Language Pathologist
  • Staff Development Specialist
  • Talented and Gifted/504 Coordinator
  • Teacher on Special Assignment

Most licensed specialists are not required to complete Student Learning and Growth (SLG) Goals with all of the state required components, with the exception of Media Specialists and Speech and Language Pathologists, who are required to complete SLG goals. As such, each type of specialist has the appropriate Goals Development Form in TalentEd Perform.

Performance Standards
Processes & Timelines

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