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Instructional Administrators

Instructional Administrator Professional Growth & Evaluation
The professional growth and evaluation system for instructional administrators is aligned with the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) standards, with modifications made by the Administrator Evaluation Advisory Team. The effective instructional administrator upholds the following standards:

  • Visionary Leadership
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Culture of Professional Learning
  • Climate and Culture
  • Family and Community Engagement
  • Operations and Management

Because of their importance and direct effect on the learning environment, ‘Ethical Principles and Professional Norms’ and ‘Equity and Cultural Responsiveness’ are principles integrated throughout all administrator conduct, interactions, and standards of performance.

This system is for principals, assistant principals, and instructional directors; and it incorporates all elements from the Oregon Framework for Teacher and Administrator Evaluation and Support Systems:

  • Standards of Professional Practice
  • Differentiated Performance Levels
  • Multiple Measures
  • Evaluation and Professional Growth Cycle
  • Align Professional Learning

Rubric at a Glance
Performance Standards
Processes & Timelines
2008 ISLLC Standards
2014 Draft ISLLC Standards

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