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Q&A: Out-of-Area Services – Kaiser

Q: How do students/dependents living out of the service area access services?

A: Your dependent children have access to care beyond urgent and emergency care outside the Kaiser Permanente network.  Your out-of-area benefit covers routine, continuing, and follow-up care for dependent children residing outside the service area.  For more information click here.

Q: What are my benefits when traveling?

A:  As a Kaiser Permanente member, you’re covered for emergency and urgent care anywhere in the world.  Whether you’re traveling in the United States or internationally.  It is important to remember that how you get care can vary depending on where you are.  So plan ahead and find out what emergency and other medical services are available where you will be travelling.  Routine services aren’t covered, so make sure to get them before your trip if you’re traveling elsewhere.  Routine services include prevention, exams, checkups, and services for ongoing medical conditions.  For more information please click here or here.

Q: What if I am out of the service area and have a medical emergency?

A: As a Kaiser Permanente member, you are covered for emergency and urgent care anywhere in the world.  Whether you’re traveling in the United States or internationally.  It is important to remember that how you get care can vary depending on where you are.  So plan ahead and find out what emergency and other medical services are available where you’ll be travelling.  For more information click here.

Q: I’m going to be traveling to a remote location where I won’t have access to a pharmacy or mail delivery.  Is it possible to stock up on my prescriptions before I leave?

A: Under construction