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Math Curriculum

Información de recursos en español

Welcome to the Eugene School District 4J mathematics website. We are proud to offer this website as primary resource for all things mathematics. For questions or comments about any of the resources you find here, please contact Eric Anderson st anderson_er@4j.lane.edu. Historical information for 4J staff regarding math curriculum is available here. The new Learning Hub can be found here.

Resources for Families by Grade

Click on your child’s grade to get specific curricular information by grade, homework help, games and practices and other resources that you can use to support your child in mathematics at home.

Also, here are videos of student milestones by grade level.

Getting ready for kindergarten? Click here for math support for pre-kindergarten students.

Kindergarten Grade 6
Grade 1 Grade 7
Grade 2 Grade 8
Grade 3 Algebra
Grade 4 Geometry
Grade 5 Algebra 2

Supporting the “SHIFTS” of how we teach and learn math

We are preparing students for a world where they will need to be mathematical thinkers, not just doers. This requires a shift in math education to a greater focus on fewer topics, a coherent linking of math topics from grade to grade and an increase in the rigor of our math programs. The following resources provide more information on these shifts.

Resources in English Recursos en Español
Read about the “shifts” for teaching and learning mathematics Para leer sobre los cambios en la enseñanza de matemáticas y sobre cómo los padres pueden ayudar, haga clic aquí
See tips for parents about supporting the shifts at home Para leer sobre los nuevos estándares de matemáticas
To see a 9 minute video for parents explaining these shifts with an example: click here. Para ver un breve video explicando estos cambios, haga clic aquí.
To see a 10 minute presentation for teachers about what the shifts look like in the classroom: click here Guías por nivel de grado para los padres sobre los estándares de matemáticas
To see a 12 minute TED talk with examples from high school mathematics: click here
To see a 4 minute video about the way the shifts support how our brains learn: click here Para ver el video 1 para padres sobre crecimiento de mentalidad, haga clic aquí
To see a 10 minute TED talk about the way growth mindset can help students with increased rigor: click here Para ver el video 2 para padres sobre crecimiento de mentalidad, haga clic aquí
To see a 2 minute video on how parents can support a growth mindset at home: click here


Common Core State Standards

We believe all students should be on the path to college and career readiness. To map this trajectory, Oregon has adopted the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts in grades K–12.

Resources in English Recursos en Español
Read the Common Core State Standards in English
Watch a brief video about the Common Core State Standards Ver un breve video sobre los estándares académicos fundamentales
Read more about these academic standards and the process for adopting them Leer información sobre los estándares estatales académicos
See guides for parents about the standards Guías por nivel de grado para los padres sobre los estándares de matemáticas
Read more about how Oregon will test these standards with the Smarter Balanced assessment Cómo se evalúan los estándares en los exámenes estatales “Smarter Balanced”