Phone: 205-414-3800 Ext. 7630


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. English Education

Mr. Kyle Cannon

Kyle Cannon graduated magna cum laude from the University of North Florida with a degree in English Education. This is his fourth year at MBHS, where he will be teaching 11th-grade English as well as the Sword & Shield. Currently, he is in the process of pursuing his Master's Degree in Creative Writing at UAB and writing his first novel. 

Subjects he has taught include AP Language, AP Literature, American Literature, British Literature, and middle school English in various combinations for ten years.

Mr. Cannon's favorite subjects to discuss, aside from language and literature, are neuroscience and psychology. The human condition and the human experience, both universally and individually, manifest in the various ways we communicate. From our commonalities to our individualities, language reveals so much and mastery of it is a necessity to succeed in all realms of the world. 

His goal is to guide and assist students in the exploration of language for both its beauty and its applicability in understanding ourselves and those around us.

Mr. Cannon is married to Ashley and together they have one daughter.