• Administrative Philosophy 

    The Mountain Brook High School administration believes in a commitment to excellence, continual learning for students and teachers, and a safe, secure learning environment that supports the needs of the individual. Administrators understand the value of relationships, establishing and maintaining high expectations, and the power of personal growth.

    The Mountain Brook High School administration commits to:

    1) Provide a safe, secure campus for all students, faculty, and staff
    2) Provide rich learning opportunities for students inside and outside of the classroom
    3) Continually focus on the development and growth of individuals
    4) Research best practices in an effort to meet the changing needs of the students, faculty, and community
    5) Provide opportunities for students to learn personal growth through goal setting and action planning
    6) Support teachers in professional growth throughout their career
    7) Create an atmosphere of trust and innovation
    8) Partner with families in developing productive, successful young adults
    9) Preparing students to be successful for the future of their choice