• Welcome to Latin Club!!!

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    Mountain Brook High School has an active and vibrant chapter of the National Junior Classical League (JCL) which participates in many fun activities throughout the year. Everything we do is centered around our love of Latin and the study of Classical civilization. Here is a partial list of some of the things we will be doing this year:
    • Latin Club Homecoming Float
    • December Convivium/Saturnalia party 
    • Classical Cinema!
    • Toga bowling!
    • Certamen (Latin Quiz Bowl) Team
    • Exam Study Sessions
    • AJCL (Alabama Junior Classical League) Latin Convention 
    • Spring Convivium!
    Latin Club is a wonderful opportunity for students to gather and have fun with friends who share a common interest. It's going to be a great year to be a Spartan! Ite, Spartani!
    Faculty Sponsor: Mr. Drew Lasater, lasaterd@mtnbrook.k12.al.us