Phone: 205-414-3800


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Lori Beasley

I am so excited to be entering my 16th year of teaching! My family and I moved to Alabama from the Nashville, TN, area where I taught in Metro Nashville Public Schools. While in Alabama, I spent 5 years at Homewood High School, and this will be my 6th year at Mountain Brook High School. My focus is Business Education and Technology. 

I studied at Delta State University (Home of the Fighting Okra!) and finished my coursework at Middle Tennessee State University, where I received my Bachelor of Science, majoring in Business Education. I also received a Master of Education in Science from Arkansas State University. Prior to teaching, I was employed with Centrix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. based out of Birmingham, AL.  For the 2022-2023 school year, I will be teaching Finance, Foundations of Business Leadership (Management), Yearbook/Journalism, Work-Based Learning, and INCubatoredu (Entrepreneurship). I am a member of the Alabama Business Education Association, National Business Education Association, and Alabama Career and Technical Education Association.

I am a floral enthusiast, love to read, travel, and spend time with my husband, Josh, and three children- Anabelle (13), Jack (11), and Russell (9). 

I am looking forward to seeing how our business students grow and work in the community to better themselves and others around them.  

Go Spartans!