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2021–22 School Calendar Set

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School days for next year are approved

Elementary School Calendar 
Middle & High School Calendar

Key dates for next school year are set: The school board has approved the academic calendars for the 2021–22 school year.

The first day of school will be on a different day than usual this fall. Traditionally 4J begins school on the Wednesday after Labor Day. In 2021, this falls during Rosh Hashanah. While the district does not close schools during the year for major religious holidays, by policy and practice the district seeks to avoid scheduling important unique events for students on such days.

Students in selected grades will start the school year with a transition day on Thursday, Sept. 9, to support their transition to the new year and in-person school after more than a year of distance learning and hybrid on-site learning. The first day of classes for all grades will be on Friday, Sept. 10.

In another difference from previous school years’ calendars, the second Friday in October, the annual statewide in-service day, will be a regular school day.

Key dates for 2021–22 include:

  • Transition Day for Select Grades (K, 6 and 9): Thursday, Sept. 9
  • First Day for All Students: Friday, Sept. 10
  • Winter Break: Dec. 20–31 + Jan. 3 (potential makeup day)
  • Spring Break: March 21–25
  • Last Day of School: Friday, June 17 (unless school closure makeup days are needed)

Possible makeup days: Please be aware that the calendar and the last day of school may change. When schools are closed for reasons such as hazardous weather (“snow days”), makeup days may be scheduled during the school year, such as on a professional development/planning day or Presidents Day, or added to the end of the school year.

Elementary School Calendar 
Middle & High School Calendar

More Annual Calendar Information

Calendario escolar del 2021–22

Los días escolares para el año escolar 2021-22 han sido aprobados

Calendario de escuelas primarias
Calendario de escuelas secundarias y preparatorias

Las fechas clave para el siguiente año escolar han sido fijadas. La junta escolar ha aprobado los calendarios académicos para el año escolar 2021-22.

El primer día de clases será un día diferente al usual este otoño. Tradicionalmente el 4J empieza las clases el miércoles después del Día del Trabajador. En el 2021, este día cae el mismo día que Rosh Hashanah. Aunque el distrito no cierra las escuelas durante el año por feriados religiosos importantes, la norma y la práctica del distrito es evitar programar eventos escolares de importancia en tales días para los estudiantes.

Los estudiantes en grados selectos empezarán su nuevo año escolar con el día de transición el jueves 9 de septiembre, para apoyar la transición de vuelta a clases en persona después de un año de aprendizaje a distancia y aprendizaje híbrido. El primer día de clases para todos los grados es el viernes 10 de septiembre. 

Otra diferencia, de calendarios escolares anteriores, es que el segundo viernes de octubre que era el día anual de servicio a nivel estatal, será un día escolar regular.

Fechas clave para 2021–22 incluyen:

  • Día de transición para grados seleccionados (K, 6 y 9): jueves 9 de septiembre
  • Primer día para todos los estudiantes: viernes 10 de septiembre
  • Descanso de invierno: del 20 al 31 de diciembre + 3 de enero (día potencial de repuesto por día escolar perdido)
  • Vacaciones de primavera: del 21 al 25 de marzo
  • Último día de clases: viernes 17 de junio (a no ser que se necesiten días de repuesto)

Días posibles de repuesto: Por favor esté alerta a posibles cambios en el calendario como el último día de clases. Cuando las escuelas tienen que cerrar por motivos climáticos de tiempo inclemente (“días nevados”), se programan días para reponer los días perdidos durante el resto del año en algún feriado, como el Día de los Presidentes, o al final del año escolar.

Calendario escolar de las primarias
Calendario escolar de las secundarias y preparatorias

Más información de calendarios anuales


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Board Retreat Summary: April 16, 2021

Información en español

April 16, 2021
School Board Retreat

On Friday, April 16, the school board held its spring retreat during an in-person session. The meeting was open to the public via live audio stream at www.4j.lane.edu/stream and radio broadcast on KRVM 1280-AM.

Board Retreat

Assisted by a facilitator, board members discussed its role and responsibilities as a policy-setting body, including in adopting the budget and educational curricula, and how to improve the working relationship among individual board members. Board members heard about the planning for the 2021–22 school year, with students set to return to school buildings in-person five days a week. Board members discussed what steps they needed to take in the coming year to help the district meet the objectives of the 4J Vision 20/20 Strategic Plan. 4J Vision 20/20 is a multi-year plan the districts follows to meet several overarching goals, including educational equity, student success and connection with the community. The board talked about its process for welcoming new members and getting them up to speed on the roles and responsibilities of their elected position and how to increase participation on the school board.

Agenda and Materials
April 16 board retreat agenda and materials
April 16 board retreat recording

NOTE:  This is a quick summary of the topics and actions at a meeting of the school board. This document is NOT the official minutes of the school board. Official minutes are posted after they are drafted, reviewed and approved by the board. Audio recordings of meetings are typically posted within two days after the meeting. 

School Board Meeting Schedule & Information

Resumen del retiro de la junta del 16 de abril de 2021

Retiro de la Junta Escolar

El viernes 16 de abril, la junta escolar realizó su retiro de primavera durante una sesión en persona. La reunión estuvo abierta al público a través de transmisión de audio en vivo en www.4j.lane.edu/stream y transmisión de radio en la KRVM 1280-AM.

Retiro de la junta

Con la ayuda de un facilitador, los miembros de la junta discutieron su función y responsabilidades como organismo de establecimiento de políticas, incluida la adopción del presupuesto y los planes de estudios educativos, y cómo mejorar la relación de trabajo entre los miembros individuales de la junta. Los miembros de la junta se enteraron de la planificación para el año escolar 2021-22, con los estudiantes listos para regresar a los edificios escolares en persona cinco días a la semana. Los miembros de la junta discutieron qué pasos debían tomar el próximo año para ayudar al distrito a cumplir con los objetivos del Plan Estratégico Visión 20/20 de 4J. Visión 20/20 de 4J es un plan de varios años que los distritos siguen para cumplir con varios objetivos generales, que incluyen equidad educativa, éxito estudiantil y conexión con la comunidad. La junta habló sobre su proceso para dar la bienvenida a los nuevos miembros y ponerlos al día sobre las funciones y responsabilidades de su cargo electo y cómo aumentar la participación en la junta escolar.

Agenda y materiales Agenda y materiales

Agenda y materiales para el retiro del 16 de abril

Grabación de audio del retiro del 16 de abril

NOTA: Este es un breve resumen de los temas y acciones en una reunión de la junta escolar. Este documento NO es el acta oficial de la junta escolar. Las actas oficiales se publican después de que son redactadas, revisadas y aprobadas por la junta. Las grabaciones de audio de las reuniones generalmente se publican dentro de los dos días posteriores a la reunión. 

Calendario e información de la reunión de la junta escolar

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COVID Vaccines Now Available for Age 16+

Información en español

4J working with healthcare partners to provide COVID vaccines for students • Appointments available May 4

Eugene School District 4J is partnering with community providers to make COVID-19 vaccines available at no cost for 4J students.

At this time COVID vaccines are available for all Oregonians age 16 and older. Vaccination is voluntary and an important opportunity to keep our community healthy.

Following are some initial vaccine clinics available to 4J students. More vaccine clinic dates for 4J students have been added as they become available.

When selecting an appointment time, be aware there will be a 15–30 minute observation period after receiving the vaccine.

4J Student Vaccine Clinic

Eugene School District 4J will hold a COVID-19 vaccine clinic for 4J students at a school site on Wednesday, May 12. The vaccine clinic will be at South Eugene High School. Shuttle buses will be provided from other 4J high schools.

4J healthcare partner Cascade Health will give the shots. Vaccines are currently available for youth age 16 and up.

Where: South Eugene High School, 400 E. 19th Ave.
When: Wednesday, May 12, starting at 12:30 p.m.
Schedule Appointment: https://pickatime.com/cascadehealth/4JMay12
Vaccine Type: Pfizer/BioNTech
Transportation: Students may go directly to the clinic site, or take a shuttle bus from their high school at noon
Bring: If you have insurance, bring your insurance card or information. If you don’t have insurance, there will be no charge for the vaccine.

Cascade Health — April 29 & May 4

4J partner Cascade Health has vaccine appointments available on Thursday, April 29 &  Tuesday, May 4, for students age 16 and over to get their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

When: Thursday, April 29 &  Tuesday, May 4
Where: Venue 252, 252 Lawrence St., Eugene (with appointment only)
Vaccine Type: Pfizer/BioNTech — Pfizer Vaccine Fact Sheet
Consent Form: bit.ly/3em3kls
Schedule Appointment:
• Thursday, April 29: https://pickatime.com/cascadehealth/CascadeApr29
• Tuesday, May 4: https://pickatime.com/cascadehealth/CascadeMay4

Cascade Health asks you to please complete the attached consent form and bring it with you to your appointment, fill in the insurance information, and bring your insurance card. Forms will be available on-site if needed. If you do not have insurance, there will be no charge for the vaccine.

Lane County Public Health — April 24–25

Lane County Public Health is holding a free vaccine clinic this weekend for people 16 to 17 years old.

When: April 24–25, appointments available 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. 
: Lane Community College
Who: Youth age 16 to 17 years old
Vaccine Type
: Pfizer/BioNTech — Pfizer Vaccine Fact Sheet
Schedule Appointment: Appointment required. CLICK HERE to schedule

All Lane County Public Health clinics are free.  You do not need insurance and will not be asked for any financial information.

Cascade Health — April 20

UPDATE: All appointment slots at this vaccine clinic on April 20 have been filled. 

When: Tuesday, April 20
Where: Venue 252, 252 Lawrence St., Eugene (with appointment only)
Vaccine Type: Pfizer/BioNTech — Pfizer Vaccine Fact Sheet
Consent Form: bit.ly/3em3kls
Schedule Appointment: All appointment slots have been filled

4J partner Cascade Health has vaccine appointments available on Tuesday, April 20, and invites students age 16 and over to get their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis. When choosing a time, be aware there will be a 15–30 minute observation period after receiving the vaccine.

Cascade Health asks you to please complete the attached consent form and bring it with you to your appointment, fill in the insurance information, and bring your insurance card. Forms will be available on-site if needed. If you do not have insurance, there will be no charge for the vaccine.


Vaccine Fact Sheets: Pfizer • Moderna

Vacunas COVID ahora disponibles para mayores de 16 años

El 4J trabaja con socios de atención médica para proporcionar vacunas contra COVID para estudiantes • Hay citas disponibles el 4 de mayo

El Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J se asoció con proveedores de la comunidad para que las vacunas contra el COVID-19 estén disponibles sin costo para los estudiantes de 4J.

En este momento, las vacunas contra el COVID están disponibles para todos los habitantes de Oregón mayores de 16 años. La vacunación es voluntaria y es una oportunidad importante para mantener saludable a nuestra comunidad.

Las siguientes son algunas clínicas de vacunas iniciales disponibles para los estudiantes de 4J. Se han agregado más fechas de clínicas de vacunas para estudiantes de 4J a medida que se hacen disponibles.

Al seleccionar la hora de una cita, tenga en cuenta que habrá un período de observación de 15 a 30 minutos después de recibir la vacuna.

Clínica de vacunas para estudiantes de 4J

El Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J llevará a cabo una clínica de vacunas contra el COVID-19 para estudiantes de 4J en una escuela el miércoles 12 de mayo. La clínica de vacunas será en la Preparatoria South Eugene. Se proporcionarán autobuses de enlace desde otras preparatorias de 4J.

El socio de atención médica de 4J, Cascade Health, administrará las vacunas. Actualmente, las vacunas están disponibles para jóvenes de 16 años en adelante.

Dónde: Preparatoria South Eugene, 400 E. 19th Ave.
Cuándo: El miércoles 12 de mayo, a partir de las 12:30 p.m.
Programe una cita: https://pickatime.com/cascadehealth/4JMay12
Tipo de vacuna: de Pfizer/BioNTech
Transporte: Los estudiantes pueden ir directamente al sitio de la clínica o tomar un autobús de enlace desde su preparatoria al mediodía
Traiga: Si tiene seguro, traiga su tarjeta o información del seguro. Si no tiene seguro, no se le cobrará la vacuna.

Cascade Health: 29 de abril y 4 de mayo

El socio de 4J, Cascade Health, tiene citas disponibles para vacunas el jueves 29 de abril y el martes 4 de mayo para que los estudiantes de 16 años en adelante reciban su primera dosis de la vacuna de Pfizer. Las citas están disponibles por orden de llegada.

Cuándo: El jueves 29 de abril y el martes 4 de mayo
Dónde: Venue 252 en el 252 Lawrence St., Eugene (solo con cita previa)
Tipo de vacuna: Pfizer/BioNTech — Hoja
Formulario de consentimiento: bit.ly/3em3kls
Programe una cita:

Cascade Health le pide que complete el formulario de consentimiento adjunto y tráigalo con usted a su cita, complete la información del seguro y traiga su tarjeta de seguro. Los formularios estarán disponibles en el sitio si es necesario. Si no tiene seguro, no se le cobrará la vacuna.

Salud Pública del Condado de Lane — 24 y 25 de abril

La Salud Pública del Condado de Lane llevará a cabo una clínica de vacunación gratuita este fin de semana para personas de 16 a 17 años.

Cuándo: El 24 y 25 de abril de 9:00 a.m a 3 p.m.
Dónde: Lane Community College
Quienes: Jóvenes de 16 a 17 años
Tipo de vacuna: Pfizer/BioNTech Hoja de datos sobre esta vacuna
Haga una cita: Las citas son requeridas. HAGA CLIC AQUÍ para programar

Todas las clínicas de la Salud Pública del Condado de Lane son gratuitas. No necesita seguro y no se le pedirá ninguna información financiera.

Cascade Health — 20 de abril

ACTUALIZACIÓN: Se han llenado todos los espacios para citas en esta clínica de vacunas el 20 de abril. 

Cuándo: Martes 20 de abril
Dónde: Lugar 252, 252 Lawrence St., Eugene (solo con cita previa)
Tipo de vacuna: Pfizer/BioNTech — Hoja de datos sobre esta vacuna
Formulario de consentimiento: bit.ly/3em3kls
Programar cita: Todos los espacios para citas ya se llenaron

El socio de 4J, Cascade Health, tiene citas para vacunas disponibles el martes 20 de abril e invita a los estudiantes mayores de 16 años a recibir su primera dosis de la vacuna Pfizer. Las citas están disponibles por orden de llegada. Al elegir un momento, tenga en cuenta que habrá un período de observación de 15 a 30 minutos después de recibir la vacuna.

Cascade Health le pide que complete el formulario de consentimiento adjunto y lo traiga con usted a su cita, complete la información del seguro y traiga su tarjeta de seguro. Los formularios estarán disponibles en el sitio si es necesario. Si no tiene seguro, no se le cobrará la vacuna.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre la vacuna COVID

Hojas de datos de las vacunas: PfizerModerna


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Hand Hygiene Helps You Stay Healthy

Información en español

Wash hands often and well, making sure to scrub for 20 seconds including the front, back and between your fingers

Germs are everywhere! They can get onto your hands and into your body when you touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Washing hands throughout the day with soap and water is one of the easiest and most important steps you can take to remove germs and help prevent sickness.

While at school, students will be instructed to wash their hands or use sanitizer at the start of the day, before and after eating, going to recess and using the bathroom, and at other times during the day. Hand hygiene is important outside of school, as well.

Proper hand washing is most effective when following these five steps:

  1. Wet hands with clean, running water (warm or cold)
  2. Apply soap, and lather by rubbing hands together with the soap.
  3. Scrub your hands—front, back and between your fingers—for at least 20 seconds, about as long as it takes to sing the ABC song.
  4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
  5. Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.

School staff are cleaning everything else. Keeping hands clean is something students can help do for themselves!

More Information:

Health & Safety Protocols for On-Site Learning
CDC Guidance for Handwashing

La higiene de las manos lo ayuda a mantenerse saludable

Lávese las manos con frecuencia y bien, asegurándose de restregarse durante 20 segundos, incluyendo el frente, el dorso y entre los dedos

¡Los gérmenes están en todas partes! Pueden entrar en sus manos y en su cuerpo cuando se toca los ojos, la nariz o la boca. Lavarse las manos durante el día con agua y jabón es uno de los pasos más fáciles e importantes que puede tomar para eliminar los gérmenes y ayudar a prevenir enfermedades.

Mientras estén en la escuela, se les indicará a los estudiantes que se laven las manos o usen desinfectante al comienzo del día, antes y después de comer, ir al recreo y usar el baño, y en otros momentos del día. La higiene de las manos también es importante fuera de la escuela.

El lavado de manos apropiado es más efectivo cuando se siguen estos cinco pasos:

  1. Mójese las manos con agua corriendo limpia (tibia o fría)
  2. Aplique jabón y haga espuma frotándose las manos con el jabón.
  3. Frótese las manos (frente, dorso y entre los dedos) durante al menos 20 segundos, aproximadamente el tiempo que se tarda en cantar la canción del abecedario.
  4. Enjuáguese bien las manos con agua corriendo limpia.
  5. Séquese las manos con una toalla limpia o séqueselas al aire.

El personal de la escuela limpia todo lo demás. ¡Mantener las manos limpias es algo que los estudiantes pueden ayudar a hacer por sí mismos!

Más información:

Protocolos de salud y seguridad para el aprendizaje en el sitio
Guía del CDC para el lavado de manos


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Meet Your New Principal! School Administrator Changes

New leaders named for 2021–22 school year

Several 4J schools will have new leadership in 2021–22.

ELEMENTARY SCHOOLSNatalie Oliver, Adams Principal • Mark Watson, Awbrey Park Interim Principal • Stephanie Randall, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Principal • Mike Riplinger, Camas Ridge Interim Principal • Tom Maloney, Charlemagne French Immersion Principal • Teresa Martindale, Family School Principal • Megan Russell, Gilham Assistant Principal

MIDDLE SCHOOLSAJ Hruby, Arts & Technology Academy Principal • Kyle Kordon, Arts & Technology Academy Assistant Principal • Matt Myers, Cal Young Assistant Principal John Wayland, Kelly Principal Sarah Prater, Kelly Assistant Principal • Jennifer Hebard, Kennedy Assistant Principal • Sarah Campbell, Spencer Butte Middle School Assistant Principal

HIGH SCHOOLSMissy Cole, Churchill Assistant Principal • Trinity Welch-Radabaugh, North Eugene Principal • J. Jesús Sandoval, North Eugene Assistant Principal • Travis Sheaffer, North Eugene Assistant Principal • Rhiannon Boettcher,  South Eugene Assistant Principal • Scott Mayers, Eugene Online Academy Assistant Principal

DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIONDr. José Salgado, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction • Dr. Brooke Wagner, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services • Misael Flores Gutierrez, Equity, Inclusion and Instruction Director • Larry Williams, Equity, Inclusion and Instruction Director • Melissa Ibarra, Elementary Education & Language Immersion Director • Jeff Johnson, Elementary Education & Federal Programs Director • Dr. Andy Dey, Director of Secondary Education • Arthur Hart, Transportation Director • Patrick Brown, District Athletic Director Casandra Kamens, Extended Learning Administrator Angela Crum, Student Services Administrator • Joel Lavin, Student Services Administrator • Joy Maxwell, Health Services Supervisor • Brynn Richardson, School Nutrition ManagerCarolyn Sufit, School Nutrition Manager

Elementary School

Adams Principal: Natalie Oliver
Natalie Oliver is the new principal at Adams Elementary School, as Teresa Martindale is moving up the road to serve as Family School principal and support other district programs. Ms. Oliver is an experienced administrator, coming to 4J from Springfield High School where she currently serves as assistant principal. Previously she was a middle school principal and teacher in the Bethel School District. Ms. Oliver understands the deep need to instill a love of learning, strong content knowledge, and self-efficacy in our youngest students. She is ready to tackle the instructional, community and emotional needs that have grown from the pandemic with a student-first equity focus.

Awbrey Park Interim Principal: Mark Watson
Mark Watson will be the interim principal at Awbrey Park Elementary School for the 2021–22 school year, replacing Mike Riplinger who will serve at Camas Ridge. Mr. Watson is a veteran school administrator with 31 years of experience as an educator in Oregon public schools. He has served as an assistant principal in Eugene and Springfield for the past 20 years, including 15 years as an assistant principal at Sheldon High School and a stint as interim principal, before stepping in where he was needed to serve as Cal Young’s assistant principal this past school year. He was planning to retire but has agreed to bring his skills and extensive experience to Awbrey Park, where he will be a stable support this year as staff and students return to school on-site full-time.

Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Principal: Stephanie Randall
Stephanie Randall will be the new principal at Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School, replacing Melissa Ibarra who is moving to a district role. Ms. Randall has been assistant principal at Gilham and Willagillespie for the past year. She is a fluent Spanish speaker and an experienced elementary-level teacher. Ms. Randall came to 4J from Bohemia Elementary School in Cottage Grove, where she taught and served as a specialist team leader and grade-level team leader. She strives to create a school environment that is safe, equitable and welcoming, and promotes learning and growth for all students.

Camas Ridge Interim Principal: Mike Riplinger
Mike Riplinger will be the interim principal at Camas Ridge Elementary School for the 2021–22 school year, replacing Kevin Gordon who has departed for a principal position in Junction City. Mr. Riplinger is a veteran school administrator. He has been principal of Awbrey Park Elementary School since 2014; before coming to 4J, he served as a principal and assistant principal at a number of elementary, middle and high schools in Springfield over a span of 20 years. He started his career as a special education teacher. Mr. Riplinger extensive administrative experience, leadership skills, and dedication to doing what’s best for students will serve Camas Ridge well next year.

Charlemagne Principal Interim Principal: Tom Maloney
Tom Maloney
will serve as principal at Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School for the 2021–22 school year. He is replacing Garrett Bridgens who is moving to Arts & Technology Academy to serve as assistant principal. Mr. Maloney is a veteran administrator who was principal at Charlemagne from 2010 to 2013, and also served as principal at three other South region elementary schools, Crest Drive, Edison and Camas Ridge, before he retired from 4J in 2016. He has a passion to ensure all students and staff are supported for success.

Family School Principal: Teresa Martindale
Teresa Martindale will be the principal at Family School and also will support other district programs. She replaces Jennifer Hebard who is moving to Kennedy Middle School. Ms. Martindale has been principal of Adams Elementary School since 2019. She previously served as assistant principal of Madison Middle School for 5 years, and as a K–8 principal and middle and high school assistant principal in Cottage Grove. As the first in a large family to attend college (her mother, born on a reservation, dropped out in eighth grade, and her father joined the military out of high school), Ms. Martindale has a unique lens on the power of education, and on the value of holding high expectations and providing the supports necessary for all students to succeed.

Gilham Assistant Principal: Megan Russell
Gilham Elementary School’s new assistant principal is Megan Russell, replacing Stephanie Randall who has been named principal at Buena Vista Elementary School. Ms. Russell is an experienced educator and has taught a variety of ages at all levels over the past decade. She comes to us from the Salem-Keizer School District, where she has taught middle school language arts, math and AVID electives for the past six years, served on the school leadership and behavioral support teams, and was the OBOB coordinator. Her positive attitude, desire to help all students succeed, and creative problem-solving skills will serve the Gilham community well.

Middle School

Arts & Technology Academy Principal: AJ Hruby
AJ Hruby will be the principal at Arts & Technology Academy, replacing Larry Williams who is moving to a district role supporting educational equity and inclusion. Ms. Hruby, a skilled and compassionate school leader and educator, has served as ATA’s assistant principal for the past five years and as an educator in 4J for 22 years. Before becoming a school administrator, she was an experienced classroom teacher, teacher leader, essential skills coordinator and Title I coordinator. She looks forward to continuing her work and engagement with ATA staff, families and community while supporting the school’s integration of STEM project-based learning throughout the curriculum in a student-centered positive learning environment.

Arts & Technology Academy Assistant Principal: Kyle Kordon
Kyle Kordon will be the new assistant principal at Arts & Technology Academy. Mr. Kordon succeeds Garrett Bridgens, the previously announced new assistant principal who is returning to the South Lane School District to serve as high school athletic director in Cottage Grove, where he and his family live. Mr. Kordon has taught at Kelly Middle School for the past eight years, primarily teaching science, but also math, AVID, architecture and student leadership classes. In addition to his teaching duties, he has served as Kelly’s student advisory program coordinator, provided support to Kelly’s administrative team, and is currently serving as the school’s summer program administrator. He was 4J’s ACE Awards teacher of the year in 2019. His strong work ethic, enthusiasm, communication style and leadership experiences will serve ATA well.

Cal Young Assistant Principal: Matt Myers
Matt Meyers will be the new assistant principal at Cal Young Middle School, replacing Mark Watson who is retiring. Mr. Myers is returning back to 4J after heading south to serve as assistant principal and athletic director at Cottage Grove High School for the past two years. Previously, he taught math in 4J middle and high schools for 14 years and served as a ninth-grade advisor, staff development specialist and essential skills/testing coordinator. He is motivated to remove barriers for all students, especially our most vulnerable students. Mr. Meyers is focused on caring leadership, collaborative problem solving and building capacity.

Kelly Principal: John Wayland
John Wayland will continue as principal at Kelly Middle School. Mr. Wayland, who was named Kelly’s interim principal for the 2020–21 school year and will continue in the permanent role, is a seasoned school administrator with close ties to Kelly and the North Eugene community. Mr. Wayland taught language arts and social studies at Kelly for nearly a decade before becoming a school administrator, including serving as assistant principal at South Eugene High School for seven years. Mr. Wayland will continue leading the school with his veteran experience and established relationships with the Kelly community.

Kelly Assistant Principal: Sarah Prater
Sarah Prater will continue as assistant principal at Kelly Middle School after being named interim assistant principal for the 2020–21 school year. Ms. Prater has worked in education since 2003 and with 4J since 2007. She taught language arts at South Eugene High School for ten years, served as the district’s K–12 Literacy, Talented and Gifted (TAG) and English Language Arts (ELA) Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA), and coached other districts through multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) implementation. Her commitment to equity and building layers of culturally responsive practice into schoolwide systems will continue to benefit the Kelly community.

Kennedy Assistant Principal: Jennifer Hebard
Jennifer Hebard will be the assistant principal at Kennedy Middle School, replacing Chris Benz, who is moving to Adams Elementary School. Ms. Hebard will move to the Kennedy site along with the Chinese Immersion School in 2021–22, and will oversee the language immersion program as it relocates and grows to a K–8 program at the Kennedy site. Ms. Hebard has been principal of Family School at the Crest Drive site since 2016 and the co-located Chinese Immersion Elementary School since it opened the following year. She is a collaborative leader who values the importance of building relationships with students, families and staff, as well as supporting the academic success of students with diverse backgrounds and a wide range of academic and social needs.

Spencer Butte Assistant Principal: Sarah Campbell
Sarah Campbell is the new assistant principal at Spencer Butte Middle School, replacing Tracy Ross who has accepted a principal position in Oakridge. Ms. Campbell comes to 4J from the Bethel School District, where she has taught sixth grade for the past decade. Previously, she taught elementary students in Bethel, and going further back, her very first teaching job was at Howard Elementary School in 2007. She has a background in talented and gifted education and has worked to increase the participation of underrepresented and historically marginalized groups of students in TAG programs. Ms. Campbell is excited about connecting with and supporting students, families and staff to successfully participate in an academically challenging, equitable and diverse learning community at Spencer Butte.

High School

Churchill Assistant Principal: Missy Cole
Missy Cole will be Churchill High School’s newest assistant principal, replacing Casandra Kamens who will be serving as the district’s extended learning administrator. Ms. Cole comes to 4J from Springfield Public Schools, where she has been assistant principal at Thurston High School since 2013. She began her educational career in Washington as a high school physical education/health teacher and taught for a decade before moving into the administrative realm. She directed a federal PE grant for two school districts, served as a middle school dean of students and as an athletic director, before moving to Oregon and into her current role at Thurston. Ms. Cole makes it a priority to build trust with each student, staff member and community member she encounters.

North Eugene Principal: Trinity Welch-Radabaugh
Trinity Welch-Radabaugh will continue as principal at North Eugene High School in the permanent role after being appointed as interim principal for the 2020–21 school year. Previously, Ms. Welch-Radabaugh had been an assistant principal at North Eugene for three years and served as an assistant principal in Corvallis. Before becoming an administrator, she taught high school advanced mathematics. As principal, Ms. Welch-Radabaugh will continue to carry forward the outstanding work being accomplished at North Eugene.

North Eugene Assistant Principal: J. Jesús Sandoval
J. Jesús Sandoval will be assistant principal at North Eugene High School, replacing Scott Mayers who is moving to Eugene Online Academy. Mr. Sandoval comes to 4J from Willamette Education Service District, where he has served for the past seven years as an education specialist, concentrating on student graduation, college and career readiness, and reducing the equity gaps that exist in education, with a focus on those affecting the migrant community. Previously, he taught in English and Spanish in the migrant education program in the Woodburn School District. Mr. Sandoval, who has extensive experience working with traditionally underserved populations, is committed to developing and growing equitable access to education and culturally competent practices that reflect a deep understanding of historically marginalized students and their families.

North Eugene Assistant Principal: Travis Sheaffer
Travis Sheaffer will continue as assistant principal at North Eugene High School in a permanent role. Mr. Sheaffer was named North Eugene’s interim assistant principal for the 2020–21 school year after directing both the North Eugene and Kelly Middle School band programs for four years. He previously served as a department chair and administrative intern. Mr. Sheaffer’s strong communication skills and passion for instructional improvement will continue to benefit the North Eugene community.

South Eugene Assistant Principal: Rhiannon Boettcher
Rhiannon Boettcher will be the new assistant principal at South Eugene High School, replacing Joel Lavin who is now a student services administrator for the district. Ms. Boettcher will come to Eugene this fall from the Portland metro area, where she has been a teacher and leader since 2008, most recently in the North Clackamas School District. She has served as a science teacher, leadership teacher, activities director, instructional coach, and summer program administrator. Ms. Boettcher believes in and cares about the power of student voice, restorative justice, and building a relational and student-centered school community.

Eugene Online Academy Assistant Principal: Scott Mayers
Scott Mayers will be the new assistant principal at Eugene Online Academy. Mr. Mayers has been assistant principal at North Eugene High School since 2014, and served as the interim assistant principal for the ECCO alternative high school program during a portion of the 2015–16 school year. Before coming to 4J, Mr. Mayers was Springfield Public Schools’ dean of students for nine years. He has an instructional background in multiple subject areas and experience working with students who have typically struggled in school.

District Administration

Assistant Superintendent for Instruction: Dr. José Salgado
Dr. José Salgado will join 4J as the assistant superintendent for instruction, replacing Dr. Charis McGaughy who has decided to depart the district at the end of the school year. Dr. Salgado has worked at all levels of education for more than 30 years. His experience ranges from teaching in rural Central America to leading schools in inner-city Boston. Dr. Salgado currently serves as the chief academic officer of a 24,000-student school district in Jackson, Mississippi. He holds a doctorate in education from Harvard University.

Dr. Salgado has focused his career on closing achievement gaps and increasing academic outcomes. His diverse experiences have taught him that each individual situation deserves a unique approach, tailored to local context and a unique understanding of what is required to improve student and school outcomes at every level, by leveraging effective teams, creating a clear and attainable vision, and setting clear goals and accountability systems. Dr. Salgado’s expertise in teaching and leading is of the highest caliber and will be an outstanding asset.

Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services: Dr. Brooke Wagner
Dr. Brooke Wagner has been selected to serve as assistant superintendent for administrative services for the 2021–22 school year, filling the vacancy left when Cydney Vandercar was appointed 4J’s interim superintendent. Dr. Wagner has broad and deep experience at all school levels, and as a classified, licensed and administrative staff member. Before serving as 4J’s director of elementary and preK–8 education for the past five years, Dr. Wagner worked in three of the district’s four school regions and served as a middle and elementary school principal in Springfield. She holds a doctorate in education from the University of Oregon.

Dr. Wagner has emphasized building and maintaining relationships and created a foundation of trust, transparency and approachability. Her combination of enthusiasm, experience, leadership, and essential skills and qualities will continue to be a valuable asset to the district in the administrative services realm.

Equity, Inclusion and Instruction Director: Misael Flores Gutierrez
Misael Flores Gutierrez, who has served as curriculum administrator for equity, instruction and partnerships for the past year, has accepted a new district role as a director of equity, inclusion and instruction, working alongside Larry Williams. Mr. Flores has dedicated much of his career to researching and developing the tools to advance student equity and to break down the barriers to success for all students. He is fluent in Spanish and holds a master’s degree in special education. He previously worked as an assistant principal at Churchill High School and an educator for more than a decade. Before becoming a school administrator, Mr. Flores was engaged in advancing work on equity and social justice in Oregon education, including work on a longitudinal intervention program to increase Latino family-school involvement.

Equity, Inclusion and Instruction Director: Larry Williams
Larry Williams, currently principal of Arts & Technology Academy, is moving to a district role as a director of equity, inclusion and instruction, working alongside Misael Flores. Mr. Williams has served as principal of Arts & Technology Academy since 2017, following 10 years as principal of Edgewood Elementary School. He previously served as assistant principal of a K–8 school in Bethel and as a counselor at Churchill High School. Mr. Williams is a veteran instructional leader dedicated to promoting equitable access to education and positive student outcomes in traditionally underserved communities.

Elementary Education Director: Melissa Ibarra
Melissa Ibarra is moving to the Ed Center to be a director of elementary education and oversee language immersion and early childhood education programs. Ms. Ibarra has been with 4J for five years, as the principal of Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School. Previously she served as the dual language coordinator for Springfield Public Schools, where she led the development of the district’s first dual language immersion program and then served as the dual immersion lead teacher. Her bilingual background and cultural competency will be an asset in her new role. Ms. Ibarra is committed to collaboration, community involvement, promoting success for all students and preparing them for college readiness and success in a global society.

Elementary Education Director: Jeff Johnson
Jeff Johnson will serve as a director of elementary education and oversee federal programs including Title I. Mr. Johnson has been a director of pre-K–8 education for the past two years. He has been an educator in 4J for more than 20 years, including serving as principal of Coburg Elementary School and then launching Arts & Technology Academy as a K–8 school and serving as its principal for 10 years. In recent years he also worked with many schools as the district’s federal programs administrator. In all of these roles, Mr. Johnson has been committed to changing beliefs about students in historically underserved groups, increasing expectations about what students can achieve, developing systems with a focus on rigorous instruction, and increasing the instructional and leadership capacity of staff.

Director of Secondary Education: Dr. Andy Dey
Andy Dey will serve as director of secondary education, the 4J administrator directly overseeing the middle and high school levels. Dr. Dey initially served in that role starting in the 2018–19 school year, before being named director of high schools during the past year. He will again oversee both levels following a reorganization of the instruction department.

Prior to becoming a district administrator, Dr. Dey served as principal of South Eugene High School for three years and previously worked as a middle and high school science teacher and administrator, track coach, and curriculum director at an international school in Santiago, Chile. He is fluent in Spanish and holds a doctorate in education leadership. Dr. Dey is a focused and passionate leader for educational excellence, working with staff and community to find ways to ensure that all students are successful.

Transportation Director: Arthur Hart
Arthur Hart is 4J’s new transportation director. Mr. Hart has worked as the district’s classified benefits coordinator for the past two years, but his history and heart are in student transportation. He has 14 years of experience in the student transportation field, starting as a bus driver for a Washington school district in 2004. He moved to Eugene in 2012, joining 4J as a bus driver, but was soon promoted to driver specialist and then route planning coordinator for several years, before taking on the role supporting classified employees across the district. Mr. Hart’s deep experience in student transportation, strong communication skills, and caring approach will serve him well as he leads the district’s transportation services.

District Athletic Director: Patrick Brown
Patrick Brown has joined 4J as district athletic director, a new administrative role overseeing middle and high school sports across the district. Mr. Brown has more than 20 years of experience as an athletic director, coach and educator. He comes to 4J from Texas, where he most recently has served as the district athletic director and head football coach at Los Fresnos Consolidated Independent School District for the past five years. Mr. Brown is experienced in managing athletic logistics, creating cohesion across all sports and multiple schools, and supporting students to excel both on and off the field.

Extended Learning Administrator: Casandra Kamens
Casandra Kamens is taking on a new role as the district’s extended learning administrator. Ms. Kamens has been the assistant principal at Churchill High School since 2017. Prior to Churchill, she served for nearly 20 years in various roles at North Eugene High School: a world languages teacher, small schools coordinator, instructional programs administrator, and principal for three years. Her exceptional scheduling coordination and planning skills and her extensive school experience will be great assets as she takes on this new role.

Student Services Administrator: Angela Crum
Angela Crum is 4J’s newest student services administrator. Ms. Crum comes to 4J from the Brookings-Harbor School District on the southern Oregon coast, where she has been the director of special programs for the past four years. She has experience working as a school administrator and as a special education teacher supervisor and resource specialist. She started her education career in New Mexico in 2002 as a special ed teacher. Ms. Crum is dedicated to addressing issues of diversity, equity and inclusion with a focus on building communities of belonging. She believes that all students can be successful and is passionate and committed to ensuring that all students, families and staff have experiences that give them a sense of meaning, belonging and hope.

Student Services Administrator: Joel Lavin
Joel Lavin is 4J’s newest student services administrator. Mr. Lavin is an experienced administrator, currently serving as assistant principal at South Eugene High School and previously as principal of River Road/El Camino del Río and Awbrey Park elementary schools, and assistant principal of Roosevelt Middle School. Mr. Lavin, who is fluent in Spanish, brings a strong equity lens and a passion to ensure all students, families and staff are supported for success. He will be a key addition to the student services team.

Health Services Supervisor: Joy Maxwell
Joy Maxwell is 4J’s new student health services supervisor, overseeing the school nurse team. Ms. Maxwell is a registered nurse and an experienced healthcare provider, with 28 years of nursing experience in a variety of inpatient and outpatient care settings. She joined 4J’s health services staff six years ago and has served students at all levels: elementary, middle and high. She enjoys learning what school nursing can offer, including opportunities to help students and families and to problem-solve when solutions are not always obvious. Ms. Maxwell has been instrumental in the district’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and she will continue to be key in her new role as the district return to school buildings full-time this year.

School Nutrition Manager: Brynn Richardson
Brynn Richardson is 4J’s newest school nutrition manager, along with Carolyn Sufit. Ms. Richardson brings to the district her experience managing a region of kitchens and teams with different needs and cultures. She has a culinary arts and nutrition education, which will enable her to work with kitchen teams and chefs in education settings. Designing menus and recipes for those with special dietary needs has been a focus of her work and will help her build the systems of communication and controls between schools, kitchens, and nurses in serving students with special dietary requirements.

School Nutrition Manager: Carolyn Sufit
Carolyn Sufit is 4J’s newest school nutrition manager, along with Brynn Richardson. Ms. Sufit has an education in clinical nutrition and more than a decade of experience with food manufacturing. She has worked with a variety of local manufacturers, including So Delicious Dairy Free and Lochmead Dairy. Her expertise in quality control and quality assurance will be invaluable, as will her supervisory and managerial experience, as the nutrition services department develops and grows.

Please welcome these education leaders to their new positions!

(This article was first published in April and updated as additional appointments were announced.)

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Do Your Part, Stay Apart

Información en español

Students need to stay 6 feet from their classmates and teachers

One of the most challenging health and safety protocols for students returning to school buildings is to practice physical distancing. We get it. It’s been a long time and they’ve really missed being with their friends, teachers and other school staff.

But to help keep everyone and their families healthy, students need to stay apart while at school. They can’t hug their friends or their teachers or even give a high five.

For now, students need to stay at least 6 feet apart—about two arm lengths—from other students, teachers and other school staff at all times, indoors and outdoors.

Physical distancing (also called social distancing) is required when students are coming into or leaving school, walking the hallways, learning in the classroom, playing outside at recess and riding the bus. Schools may have dots on the floor placed 6 feet apart and directional arrows to help students stay apart.

Spacing may be less than 6 feet in some limited circumstances, such as on the school bus or when an additional adult is needed in the classroom, but this is only done with district approval as needed. It’s important to listen to the teachers and follow directions.

Physical distancing and wearing face coverings, practiced in combination with other everyday preventive actions, have proven effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19. Other preventive actions include staying home when sick and frequently washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Families are encouraged to continue practicing these preventive measures outside of school as well.

More Information:

Health & Safety Protocols for On-Site Learning
Back-to-School Video for Students: What’s New?
CDC Guidance for Physical Distancing

Hagan su parte, manténganse alejados

Los estudiantes deben mantenerse a 6 pies de distancia de sus compañeros y maestros

Uno de los protocolos de salud y seguridad más desafiantes para los estudiantes que regresan a los edificios escolares es practicar el distanciamiento físico. Lo entendemos. Ha pasado mucho tiempo y realmente han extrañado estar con sus amigos, maestros y demás personal de la escuela.

Pero para ayudar a mantener saludables a todos y a sus familias, los estudiantes deben mantenerse separados mientras están en la escuela. No pueden abrazar a sus amigos o a sus maestros o incluso chocar la mano.

Por ahora, los estudiantes deben mantenerse al menos a 6 pies de distancia, aproximadamente a la distancia de dos brazos, de otros estudiantes, maestros y otro personal escolar en todo momento, en interiores y exteriores.

Se requiere distanciamiento físico (también llamado distanciamiento social) cuando los estudiantes entran o salen de la escuela, caminan por los pasillos, aprenden en el salón de clases, juegan afuera en el recreo y viajan en el autobús. Las escuelas pueden tener puntos en el piso colocados a 6 pies de distancia y flechas direccionales para ayudar a los estudiantes a mantenerse separados.

El espacio puede ser de menos de 6 pies en algunas circunstancias limitadas, como en el autobús escolar o cuando se necesita un adulto adicional en el salón de clases, pero esto solo se hace con la aprobación del distrito según sea necesario. Es importante escuchar a los maestros y seguir las instrucciones.

El distanciamiento físico y uso de mascarillas, practicados en combinación con otras acciones preventivas cotidianas, han demostrado ser efectivos para reducir la propagación de COVID-19. Otras acciones preventivas incluyen quedarse en casa cuando se está enfermo y lavarse las manos frecuentemente con agua y jabón durante al menos 20 segundos. Se alienta a las familias a continuar practicando estas medidas preventivas también fuera de la escuela.

Más información:

Protocolos de salud y seguridad para el aprendizaje en el sitio
Video de regreso a la escuela para estudiantes: ¿Qué hay de nuevo?
Guía de los CDC para el distanciamiento físico


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Back-to-School Video: Get Ready for School

Información en español

Welcome back, students! Watch this brief video on what to do and bring for school each day

After a year of distance learning, middle and high school students enrolled in the hybrid learning model are getting ready to return to their classrooms on-site two days a week.

This brief video, available in English and Spanish, goes over some simple steps to get ready for school on-site each day: Charge your device, check for wellness, and bring your face mask and water bottle.

Learn More

Back-to-School Video: What’s New at School This Spring
Feeling Unwell? When to Stay Home from School
Face Coverings at School: Right Kind, Right Way, All the Time
Hybrid School Schedule

Other COVID-Related News

Video de regreso a la escuela: Prepárense para la escuela

¡Bienvenidos de nuevo, estudiantes! Miren este breve video sobre qué hacer y traer a la escuela todos los días

Después de un año de aprendizaje a distancia, los estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria matriculados en el modelo de aprendizaje híbrido se están preparando para regresar a las aulas de su escuela dos días a la semana.

Este breve video, disponible en inglés y español, repasa algunos pasos simples para prepararse para la escuela en el sitio todos los días: Carga tu dispositivo, verifica tu bienestar y trae tu mascarilla y botella de agua.

Obtenga más información

Video de regreso a la escuela: ¿Qué hay de nuevo en la escuela esta primavera?
¿Te sientes mal? Cuándo quedarse en casa y no ir a la escuela
Mascarillas en la escuela: El tipo correcto, de la manera correcta, todo el tiempo
Horario escolar híbrido
Otras noticias relacionadas con COVID

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Notice of Budget Committee Meeting: 2021–22 Proposed Budget Presentation & Public Comment

Información en español


Eugene School District No. 4J, Lane County, Oregon
Notice of Budget Committee Meeting

A public meeting of the Budget Committee of Eugene School District 4J, Lane County, State of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022, will be held on April 26, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive comment from the public on the budget.

In light of current public health concerns related to coronavirus COVID-19, this meeting of the Eugene School District Budget Committee will take place virtually. Budget Committee members will meet by Zoom webinar. The webinar link can be accessed through meeting materials posted to BoardBook at tinyurl.com/4jboardmeetings. The public can also listen in via live broadcast on KRVM 1280-AM or stream the meeting at www.4j.lane.edu/stream.

This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place.

Public Comment: Any person may comment on the budget. The 4J Budget Committee sets aside time at each meeting to hear comments and questions from the public. Each speaker is limited to three minutes, and cannot give their time to another speaker. Community members can request to sign up to speak to the budget committee by submitting a request online by 8 a.m. on the day of the meeting.

An additional meeting will be held on May 10, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. for approval of the budget.

A copy of the budget document may be inspected on or after April 12, 2021, online at www.4j.lane.edu/finance/docs or obtained by mail via email request to budget_comm@4j.lane.edu or by phone request via phone message to 541-790-7627.

Notice of publication is also available at www.4j.lane.edu.

Andrea Belz
Budget Officer

The proposed budget document is posted on the district website.
Meeting information and materials will be posted on

Aviso de la reunión del Comité de Presupuesto: 2021–22 Presentación del presupuesto propuesto y comentario público

Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J, condado de Lane, Oregón
Aviso de reunión del Comité de Presupuesto

Una reunión pública del Comité de Presupuesto del Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J, Condado de Lane, Estado de Oregón, para discutir el presupuesto para el año fiscal del 1 de julio de 2021 al 30 de junio de 2022, se llevará a cabo el 26 de abril de 2021 a las 6:00 p. m. El propósito de la reunión es recibir el mensaje del presupuesto y recibir comentarios del público sobre el presupuesto.

A la luz de las preocupaciones actuales de salud pública relacionadas con el coronavirus COVID-19, esta reunión del Comité de Presupuesto del Distrito Escolar de Eugene se llevará a cabo virtualmente. Los miembros del Comité de Presupuesto se reunirán mediante un seminario web de Zoom. Se puede acceder al enlace del seminario web a través de los materiales de la reunión publicados en BoardBook en tinyurl.com/4jboardmeetings. El público también puede escuchar la transmisión en vivo en la KRVM 1280-AM o la transmisión de la reunión en línea por el enlace: www.4j.lane.edu/stream.

Esta es una reunión pública donde se llevará a cabo la deliberación del Comité de Presupuesto.

Comentario Público: Cualquier persona puede comentar sobre el presupuesto. El Comité de Presupuesto de 4J reserva tiempo en cada reunión para escuchar los comentarios y preguntas del público. Cada orador está limitado a tres minutos y no puede dar su tiempo a otro orador. Los miembros de la comunidad pueden solicitar registrarse para hablar con el comité de presupuesto enviando una solicitud en línea antes de las 8 a. m. del día de la reunión.

Se realizará una reunión adicional el 10 de mayo de 2021 a las 6:00 p.m. para la aprobación del presupuesto.

Se puede inspeccionar una copia del documento del presupuesto a partir del 12 de abril de 2021, en línea en www.4j.lane.edu/finance/docs o se puede obtener por correo a través de una solicitud por correo electrónico a budget_comm@4j.lane.edu o por teléfono a través de mensaje telefónico al 541-790-7627.

El aviso de la publicación también está disponible en www.4j.lane.edu.

Andrea Belz
Oficial de Presupuesto

El documento del presupuesto propuesto está publicado en el sitio web del distrito.
La información y los materiales de la reunión se publicarán en BoardBook.


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Starting Kindergarten This Fall? Attend Virtual Orientation This Week!

4J is welcoming new kindergarteners for fall 2021 • Schools holding virtual orientation events through April 16

Let’s get to know each other! If your child will turn 5 on or before September 1, it’s time to register to start kindergarten in the fall.

We encourage you to attend your school’s virtual kindergarten orientation event. Every elementary school has scheduled an informational session between March 9 and April 16, and most schools’ events are this week. 

You’ll learn about your school’s kindergarten program and enrollment process, meet teachers and staff, and have an opportunity to ask questions. We look forward to seeing you!

If you have friends or neighbors with kids who will start kindergarten this fall, please tell them about 4J’s kindergarten orientation events.

What’s your neighborhood school? Visit www.4j.lane.edu/howtoenroll or click here.

Kindergarten Orientation Events:

School Date Time Zoom Link
Adams Tue., April 13 6:00–7:00 p.m. Join Zoom Session
Passcode: 099530
Invite Friends
Awbrey Park Tue., April 13 6:30–7:30 p.m. Join Zoom Session
Passcode: 377421
Invite Friends
Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Thu., April 15 6:00–7:00 p.m. Join Zoom Session
Passcode: 1500
Invite Friends
Camas Ridge Thu., April 15 5:30–6:30 p.m.
Join Zoom Session Invite Friends
Charlemagne French Immersion Thu., April 15 6:00–7:00 p.m. Join Zoom Session
Passcode: 846911
Invite Friends
Chávez Thu., April 15 5:30–6:30 p.m. Join Zoom Session
Passcode: 933105
Invite Friends
Chinese Immersion Wed., April 14 6:00–7:00 p.m Join Zoom Session Invite Friends
Edgewood Wed., April 14 6:00–7:00 p.m Join Zoom Session Invite Friends
Edison Wed., April 14 6:30–7:30 p.m Join Zoom Session Invite Friends
Family School Thu., April 15 6:00–7:00 p.m. Join Zoom Session Invite Friends
Gilham Tue., April 13 6:00–7:00 p.m. Join Zoom Session Invite Friends
Holt Tue., April 13 6:30–7:30 p.m. Join Zoom Session
Passcode: 171252
Invite Friends
Howard Thu., April 15 6:30–7:30 p.m. Join Zoom Session
Passcode: 005645
Invite Friends
McCornack Thu., April 8 5:00–6:00 p.m. Event completed Presentation
River Road/El Camino del Río Spanish Dual Immersion Thu., April 15 6:00–7:00 p.m. Join Zoom Session Invite Friends
Spring Creek Tue., March 9 6:00–7:00 p.m. Event completed Presentation
Twin Oaks Tue., April 6 6:00–7:00 p.m. Event completed Presentation
Willagillespie Thu., April 1 6:00–7:00 p.m. Event completed Presentation
Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Tue., April 13 6:00–7:00 p.m. Join Zoom Session
Passcode: ygkinder
Invite Friends

Learn More:

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Join Our Virtual Coffee Chats for Parents

Información en español

Casual conversations in English and Spanish with 4J social worker offer support for parents

Check in and chat! 4J parents and guardians are invited to join in weekly virtual coffee chats. These casual conversations will explore a different topic every month around emotional wellness, parenting and community resources.  The chats, originally scheduled by high school region, are now open for anyone to join.

4J social worker Maria Covernali leads these casual conversations that explore a different topic every month around emotional wellness, parenting and community resources. Coffee chats are held in Spanish on Wednesdays and in English on Thursdays, 6–7 p.m.

Participants also can enter a free weekly drawing for the chance to win a family activity basket.

Come when you can! We look forward to connecting with you.

Zoom Login

Spanish chats on Wednesdays
Zoom meeting link (contraseña: 554397)

English chats on Thursdays
Zoom meeting link (passcode: 100531)


Email covernali_m@4j.lane.edu. We look forward to seeing you!

Conversaciones informales en inglés y español con la trabajadora social de 4J ofrecen apoyo a los padres

¡Ven y charla! Se invita a los padres y tutores de 4J a participar en charlas de café virtuales semanales. Estas conversaciones informales explorarán un tema diferente cada mes en torno al bienestar emocional, la crianza de los hijos y los recursos comunitarios. Las charlas, originalmente programadas por la región de la escuela secundaria, ahora están abiertas para que cualquiera pueda unirse.

La trabajadora social de 4J, Maria Covernali, dirige estas conversaciones informales que exploran un tema diferente cada mes en torno al bienestar emocional, la crianza de los hijos y los recursos comunitarios. Las charlas de café se llevan a cabo en español los miércoles y en inglés los jueves de 6 a 7 p.m.

Los participantes también pueden participar en una rifa semanal gratuita para tener la oportunidad de ganar una canasta de actividades familiares.

¡Ven cuando puedas! Esperamos poder conectarnos contigo.

Iniciar sesión por Zoom

Charlas en español los miércoles
Enlace de la reunión de Zoom (contraseña: 554397)

Charlas en inglés los jueves
Enlace de la reunión de Zoom
(contraseña: 100531)


Envíe un correo electrónico a un covernali_m@4j.lane.edu. ¡Esperamos verte!

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