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180 staff nominated for educator excellence awards
Eugene School District 4J staff make a difference in the lives of students every day. In a show of immense appreciation, a record 180 outstanding employees have been nominated by parents, students and colleagues for the 2021 ACE (A Champion in Education) Awards.
ACE Award “Champions” will be selected in three categories: Teachers and Licensed Specialists, Classified Staff, and Administrators and Supervisors. There will be no volunteer category this year due to the temporary closure of school buildings. A special Lifetime Achievement Award also will be announced. Each champion will receive a $250 grant from Eugene Education Foundation (EEF) for a school or program of their choosing.
The awards celebration will be virtual due to the coronavirus pandemic. The celebration will be held via Zoom and broadcast on 4J’s Facebook page ( on Thursday, June 3 at 6 p.m. Every nominee will be recognized as an exceptional educator. Join us!
Congratulations to each of our 2021 ACE Awards nominees!
Click on the link to read the Facebook post announcing the individual’s nomination.
Teachers and Licensed Specialists
Lisa Albrich, Spanish Teacher, Sheldon High School
Ashley Baker, Fourth Grade Teacher, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Lee Baker, Counselor, Roosevelt Middle School
Meredith Baker, Kindergarten/First Grade Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Leah Barber, Language Arts Teacher, Sheldon High School
Jeff Billington, Fourth Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Kelly Bokn, Athletic Director, Churchill High School
Kelli Boom, Physical Education and Health Teacher, Monroe Middle School
Carissa Boyce, Title I Coordinator, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Brenda Brainard, Director, NATIVES Program
Paul Brisentine, Math Teacher, Roosevelt Middle School
Nikita Brougher, Kindergarten Teacher, River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary School
Lupe Callihan, Fifth Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Rachel Cannon, Special Education Teacher, Monroe Middle School
Sheryl Carroll, Special Education Teacher, Edison Elementary School
Sebastian Catlin, Student Achievement Specialist, South Eugene High School
Charissa Charpie, Third Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Meredith Coelho, Language Arts Teacher, Roosevelt Middle School
Linda Coombs, Speech-Language Pathologist, Edison and Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Seth Cooper, Spanish Teacher, Roosevelt Middle School
Kelley Coplin, American Sign Language Teacher, North Eugene High School
Annette Corbeau, First Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School
Patrice Cowman, First Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Vanessa Crane, First Grade Teacher, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Kimberly Dame-Brown, First Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Judy Davies, Second Grade Teacher, McCornack Elementary School
Kim DeLeon, Special Education Teacher, McCornack Elementary School
Elena Delgado Vazquez, Spanish Teacher, Sheldon High School
Sarah Donn, Second Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Brynne Eidlin, Fourth Grade Teacher, Camas Ridge Elementary School
Anna Elias, Life Skills Teacher, Adams Elementary School
Dene Eller, Physical Education Teacher, River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary School
Christie Enders, Counselor, Sheldon High School
Jason Erickson, AVID & Social Studies Teacher, Madison Middle School
Iris Essman, Learning Specialist, ECCO
Erin Fuller, Kindergarten Teacher, Adams Elementary School
Kristen Gianforti, Counselor, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Kendra Groves, Second Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Nicholas Hadley, Spanish Teacher, Monroe Middle School
Joshua Hamill, Social Studies Teacher, Eugene International High School at Sheldon
Katie Hansen, Transition Education Network Special Education Teacher, Sheldon High School
Aimee Harrington, Language Arts Teacher, Arts & Technology Academy
Jacob Havner, Fourth Grade Teacher, Adams Elementary School
Carisa Henniger, Second Grade Teacher, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Ann Hettick, Health Teacher, Sheldon High School
Mark Hewitt, Math Teacher, Eugene Online Academy
Theresa Hilkey, Math Teacher, ECCO
Darla Humbert, Counselor, Holt Elementary School
Sandi Jacobson, Second Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School
Tory Jenkins, Kindergarten Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Chris Johnson, Science Teacher, Monroe Middle School
Stephen Johnson, Music Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Sara Justice, First Grade Teacher, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Tessa Karbum, Science Teacher, Kelly Middle School
Jenny Kneale, Fifth Grade Teacher, Willigillespie Elementary School
Allison Kreider, Third Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Mary Kuhl, Fourth Grade Teacher, McCornack Elementary School
Kori Kunz, Media Specialist, Sheldon High School
Yvette Landrum, Special Education Teacher, Eugene Online Academy
Michael Leahy, Counselor, South Eugene High School
Rebecca Leduc, Kindergarten Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School
Julie Lehl, Health Teacher, South Eugene High School
Debbie Levy, Media Specialist, Churchill High School
Marlee Litten, Teacher on Special Assignment, Student Services Department
Mariko Maddock, Fifth Grade Teacher, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Karen Marashi, Math Teacher, Roosevelt Middle School
Paula McCown, Special Education Teacher, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Kelly McGhehey, Counselor, ECCO
Chris Michael, Science Teacher, Arts & Technology Academy
Jennifer Mora, Language Arts Teacher, Kelly Middle School
Cindy Munyon, Speech Specialist, Student Services Department
Polly Nelson, Special Education Teacher, South Eugene High School
Jamie Nicholsen-Tait, Fifth Grade Teacher, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Jackie Owens, Ninth Grade Transition Coordinator, Sheldon High School
Clara Palacios, Kindergarten Teacher, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Amy Petty, Third Grade Teacher, McCornack Elementary School
Laura Points, Second Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School
Sofie Prideaux, Kindergarten Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School
Sarah Quinn, Special Education Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Mary Recker, First Grade Teacher, Gilham Elementary School
Venus Reeve, Special Education Teacher, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Ashley Reich, Fourth Grade Teacher, Holt Elementary School
Rebecca Robinson, Fifth Grade Teacher, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Suzy Rock, Fifth Grade Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Beth Saxon, Second Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Julie Schneider, Kindergarten Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Yoshiko Shioya, Japanese Teacher, Sheldon High School
Ashley Shofner, Second/Third Grade Teacher, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Barbara Siemens, Language Arts Teacher, Arts & Technology Academy
Erin Skoubo, Kindergarten Teacher, River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary School
Levi Smucker, Math Teacher, Spencer Butte Middle School
Antje Snawder, Kindergarten Teacher, Adams Elementary School
Chris Stewart, Language Arts Teacher, Churchill High School
Katie Stiles, Teacher on Special Assignment, Instruction Department
Kristin Stone, Math Teacher, Eugene Education Options
Kelly Stroh, Fifth Grade Teacher, Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion Elementary School
Kim Sullivan, Special Education Teacher, Howard Elementary School
Suzi Swinehart, First Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Desiree Talley, Third Grade Teacher, Holt Elementary School
Kathleen Taylor, Science Teacher, Arts & Technology Academy
Carrie Tilson, Counselor, Monroe Middle School
Matthew Trent, Math Teacher, Monroe Middle School
Nancy Unruh, Kindergarten Teacher, Edison Elementary School
Julie Vignoul, Media Specialist, South Eugene High School
Ken Walker, Language Arts Teacher, Madison Middle School
Stephanie Waples, Fourth Grade Teacher, Willagillespie Elementary School
Alice Williamson, Title I Coordinator, Chávez Elementary School
Dave Wines, Fourth/Fifth Grade Teacher, Edgewood Elementary School
Brandy Wormdahl, Physical Education Teacher/Girls Soccer Coach, North Eugene High School
Janine Zimmer-Berg, Third Grade Teacher, Edison Elementary School
Lisa Zluticky, First Grade Teacher, Holt Elementary School
Classified Staff
Heather Acharya, Records and Scheduling Assistant, Spencer Butte Middle School
Melissa Andrews, Department Secretary, Eugene Online Academy
Kelly Ayres, Records and Scheduling Assistant, Roosevelt Middle School
Kim Blaser, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Arts & Technology Academy
Randal Bonney, Custodial Maintenance Coordinator I, Adams Elementary School
Joe Brainard, Student & School Coordinator, NATIVES Program
Phylicia Bullis, Attendance Clerk, Sheldon High School
Katie Burns, Department Secretary, Student Services Department
Linda Castle, Administrative Assistant, Transportation Department
Doris Chastain, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Adams Elementary School
Bernadette Conover, School Secretary, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Patricia Donohue, Educational Assistant, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Sarah Dreyer, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Willagillespie Elementary School
Debra Eichner, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Adams Elementary School
Kelly Fenley, Bilingual Educational Assistant, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Laurie Fierling, School Secretary, North Eugene High School
Elora Franklin, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Charlemagne French Immersion Elementary School
Theresa Garnsey, Educational Assistant, Holt Elementary School
SK Gaskell, Lead Grounds Specialist & Integrated Pest Manager (IPM), Custodial/Grounds
Angie Gee, Human Services Coordinator, Chávez Elementary School
Patricia Gehlhaar, School Secretary, Gilham Elementary School
Lynne Given, Department Secretary, Eugene International High School at Churchill
Kelly Greatwood, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Spring Creek Elementary School
Arthur Hart, Classified Benefits Coordinator, Human Resources
Deanne Herman, Educational Assistant, Twin Oaks Elementary School
Julie Hopkins, Library/IMC Assistant, Howard Elementary School
Shiloh Jackson, Post-Graduate Planning Specialist, Sheldon High School
Suzie Johnson, Title I Educational Assistant, Spring Creek Elementary School
Karen Kingzett, School Secretary, Roosevelt Middle School
Debora Kovensky, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Roosevelt Middle School
Jake Lemasson, Educational Assistant, Arts & Technology Academy
Kara Mayer, Food Service Coordinator, Spencer Butte Middle School
Melanie Namkoong, Department Secretary, Eugene International High School at South Eugene
Debbie Parlette, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Arts & Technology Academy
Stephanie Perez, School Secretary, Monroe Middle School
Michelle Phillipo, User Services Specialist, Technology Department
Jake Reents, Technology Support Specialist, Churchill High School
Buffy Ritchie, School Secretary, Monroe Middle School
Bernadette Ross, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Life Skills Network
Jackie Sanderson, Educational Assistant, Holt Elementary School
Patti Schmidt, Educational Assistant, Willagillespie Elementary School
Beth Smith, Behavior Support Assistant, Chávez Elementary School
Jackie Solares, Bilingual Educational Assistant, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Kevin Summerfield, Educational Assistant, Churchill High School
Paige Toro, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Howard Elementary School
Campbell Trangmar, Custodian, South Eugene High School
Hayes Vertulfo, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Monroe Middle School
Tina Williams, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Howard Elementary School
Audrey Wiltz, Educational Assistant, Madison Middle School
Rose Winand, Technology Support Specialist, South Eugene High School
Cindy Winkle, Special Ed Educational Assistant, Howard Elementary School
Vickie Woolman, School Secretary, Twin Oaks Elementary School
Pilar Zentz, Bilingual Educational Assistant, River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary School
Administrators and Supervisors
Chris Benz, Assistant Principal, Kennedy Middle School
Jill Cuadros, Regional Manager, Nutrition Services
Andy Dey, Director of High Schools, Instruction Department
Erin Gaston, Principal, Howard Elementary School
Melissa Ibarra, Principal, Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School
Mike Ingman, Principal, Sheldon High School
Joel Lavin, Assistant Principal, South Eugene High School
Garry McCready, Information Systems Manager, Technology Department
Paula Nolan, Alternative Education Administrator, Eugene Education Options
Lavinia Page, Principal, Gilham Elementary School
Mike Riplinger, Principal, Awbrey Park Elementary School
Sun Saeteurn, Principal, Monroe Middle School
Trevor White, Custodial Supervisor, Custodial/Grounds
Larry Williams, Principal, Arts & Technology Academy
Mike Yocum, Assistant Principal, Roosevelt Middle School
Past nominees and champions:
2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016
Nominados a los Premios ACE 2021
180 miembros del personal nominados para los premios a la excelencia de educadores
El personal del Distrito Escolar de Eugene 4J marca la diferencia en la vida de los estudiantes todos los días. En una muestra de inmenso aprecio, un récord de 180 empleados destacados ha sido nominado por padres, estudiantes y colegas para los premios ACE (A Champion in Education) de 2021.
Los “Campeones” del Premio ACE serán seleccionados en tres categorías: Maestros y Especialistas Licenciados, Personal Clasificado y Administradores y Supervisores. No habrá categoría de voluntario este año debido al cierre temporal de los edificios escolares. También se anunciará un premio especial a la Trayectoria. Cada campeón recibirá una subvención de $250 de Eugene Education Foundation (EEF) para una escuela o programa de su elección.
La celebración de premios será virtual debido a la pandemia de coronavirus. La celebración se llevará a cabo a través de Zoom y se transmitirá en la página de Facebook de 4J ( el jueves 3 de junio a las 6 p. m. Todos los nominados serán reconocidos como educadores excepcionales. ¡Únase a nosotros!
¡Felicitaciones a cada uno de nuestros nominados a los Premios ACE 2021!
Haga clic en el enlace para leer la publicación de Facebook que anuncia la nominación del individuo.
Maestros y especialistas licenciados
Lisa Albrich, Maestra de español, Preparatoria Sheldon
Ashley Baker, Maestra de cuarto grado, Primaria de inmersión japonesa Yujin Gakuen
Lee Baker, Consejero de la Secundaria Roosevelt
Meredith Baker, Maestra de jardín de niños/primer grado, Primaria de inmersión Buena Vista
Leah Peluquero, Maestra de artes del lenguaje, Preparatoria Sheldon
Jeff Billington, Maestro de cuarto grado, Primaria Willagillespie
Kelly Bokn, Directora atlética, Preparatoria Churchill
Kelli Boom, Maestra de educación física y salud, Secundaria Monroe
Carissa Boyce, coordinadora de Título I, Primaria Awbrey Park Escuela
Brenda Brainard, Directora, Programa NATIVES
Paul Brisentine, Maestro de matemáticas, Secundaria Roosevelt
Nikita Brougher, Maestra de Kindergarten, Primaria River Road/El Camino del Río
Lupe Callihan, Maestra de Quinto Grado, Primaria Howard
Rachel Cannon, Maestra de Educación Especial, Monroe Preparatoria
Sheryl Carroll, Maestra de educación especial, Primaria Edison
Sebastian Catlin, Especialista en logros estudiantiles, Preparatoria South Eugene
Charissa Charpie, Maestra de tercer grado, Primaria Howard
Meredith Coelho, Maestra de artes del lenguaje, Secundaria Roosevelt
Linda Coombs, Patóloga del habla y lenguaje, Primaria de inmersión en francés Edison y
Seth Cooper, Maestro de español, Roosevelt Middle School
Kelley Coplin, Maestra de lenguaje de señas estadounidense, Primaria North Eugene
Annette Corbeau, Maestra de primer grado, Primaria Gilham
Patrice Cowman, Maestra de primer grado, Primaria Willagillespie
Vanessa Crane, Maestra de primer grado, Primaria Awbrey Park
Kimberly Dame-Brown, Maestra de primer grado, Primaria Willagillespie
Judy Davies, Maestra de segundo grado, Primaria McCornack
Kim DeLeon, Maestra de educación especial, Primaria McCornack
Elena Delgado Vázquez, Maestra de español, Preparatoria Sheldon
Sarah Donn, Maestra de segundo grado, Primaria Willagillespie
Brynne Eidlin, Maestra de Cuarto Grado, Primaria Camas Ridge
Anna Elias, Maestra de Habilidades para la Vida, Primaria Adams
Christie Enders, Consejera de la Preparatoria Sheldon
Jason Erickson, Maestro de estudios sociales y AVID, Secundaria Madison
Iris Essman, Especialista en Aprendizaje, ECCO
Erin Fuller, Maestra de Kindergarten, Primaria Adams
Kristen Gianforti, Consejera de la Primaria Awbrey Park
Kendra Groves, Maestra de Segundo Grado, Primaria Willagillespie
Nicholas Hadley, Maestra de español, Secundaria Monroe
Joshua Hamill, Maestro de estudios sociales, Eugene International High School en Sheldon
Katie Hansen, Transition Education Network Maestro de educación especial, Preparatoria Sheldon
Aimee Harrington, Maestra de lengua y literatura, Arts & Technology Academy
Jacob Havner, Maestro de cuarto grado, Primaria Adams
Carisa Henniger, Maestra de segundo grado, Primaria Awbrey Park
Ann H ettick, Maestra de salud, Preparatoria Sheldon
Mark Hewitt, Maestro de matemáticas, Eugene Online Academy
Theresa Hilkey, Maestra de matemáticas, ECCO
Darla Humbert, Consejera de la Primaria Holt
Sandi Jacobson, Maestra de segundo grado, Primaria Gilham
Tory Jenkins, Maestro de kínder, Primaria Willagillespie
Chris Johnson, Maestro de Ciencias, Secundaria Monroe
Stephen Johnson, Maestro de Música, Primaria de inmersión en español Buena Vista
Sara Justice, Maestra de primer grado, Primaria Awbrey Park
Tessa Karbum, Maestra de ciencias, Secundaria Kelly
Jenny Kneale, Maestra de quinto grado, Primaria Willigillespie
Allison Kreider, Maestra de tercer grado, Primaria Howard
Mary Kuhl, Maestra de cuarto grado, Primaria McCornack
Kori Kunz, Especialista en medios, Preparatoria Sheldon
Yvette Landrum, Maestra de educación especial, Academia en línea Eugene
Michael Leahy, Consejero de la Preparatoria South Eugene
Rebecca Leduc, Maestra de jardín de niños, Primaria Edgewood
Julie Lehl, Maestra de salud, Preparatoria South Eugene
Debbie Levy, Especialista en medios, Preparatoria Churchill
Marlee Litten, Maestra en asignación especial, Departamento de Servicios Estudiantiles
Mariko Maddock, Maestra de quinto grado, Primaria de Inmersión Japonesa Yujin Gakuen
Karen Marashi, Maestra de Matemáticas, Secundaria Roosevelt
Paula McCown, Maestra de educación especial, Primaria de inmersión en francés Charlemagne
Kelly McGhehey, Consejera, ECCO
Chris Michael, Maestro de ciencias, Academia de artes y tecnología
Jennifer Mora, Maestra de artes del lenguaje, Secundaria Kelly
Cindy Munyon, Especialista del habla, Departamento de servicios estudiantiles
Polly Nelson, Maestra de educación especial, Preparatoria South Eugene
Jamie Nicholsen-Tait, Maestra de quinto grado, Primaria Awbrey Park
Jackie Owens, Coordinadora de transición de noveno grado, Preparatoria Sheldon
Clara Palacios, Maestra de jardín de niños, Primaria de inmersión en español Buena Vista
Amy Petty, Maestra de tercer grado, Primaria McCornack
Laura Points, Maestra de segundo grado, Primaria Gilham
Sofie Prideaux, Maestra de jardín de niños, Primaria Edgewood
Sarah Quinn, Maestra de educación especial, Primaria Willagillespie
Mary Recker, Maestra de primer grado, Primaria Gilham
Venus Reeve, Maestra de educación especial, Primaria Awbrey Park
Ashley Reich, Maestra de cuarto grado, Primaria Holt
Rebecca Robinson, Maestra de quinto grado, Primaria de inmersión en francés Charlemagne
Suzy Rock, Maestra de quinto grado, Primaria Howard
Beth Saxon, Maestra de segundo grado, Primaria Willagillespie
Julie Schneider, Maestra de jardín de niños, Primaria Willagillespie
Yoshiko Shioya, Maestra de Japonés, Preparatoria Sheldon
Ashley Shofner, Maestra de Segundo/Tercer Grado, Primaria Awbrey Park
Barbara Siemens, Maestra de Artes del Lenguaje, Academia de Artes y Tecnología
Erin Skoubo, Maestra de Kindergarten, Primaria River Road/El Camino del Río
Levi Smucker, Maestra de matemáticas, Secundaria Spencer Butte
Antje Snawder, Maestra de jardín de niños, Primaria Adams
Chris Stewart, Maestra de artes del lenguaje, Preparatoria Churchill
Katie Stiles, Maestra en asignación especial, Departamento de instrucción
Kristin Stone, Maestra de matemáticas, Opciones educativas de Eugene
Kelly Stroh, Maestra de quinto grado, Primaria de inmersión japonesa Yujin Gakuen
Kim Sullivan, Maestra de educación especial, Primaria Howard
Suzi Swinehart, Maestra de primer grado, Primaria Willagillespie
Desiree Talley, Maestra de tercer grado, Primaria Holt
Kathleen Taylor, Maestra de ciencias, Academia de Artes y Tecnología
Carrie Tilson, Consejera, Secundaria Monroe
Matthew Trent, Maestro de Matemáticas, Secundaria Monroe
Nancy Unruh, Maestra de Kindergarten, Primaria Edison
Julie Vignoul, Especialista en Medios, Preparatoria South Eugene
Ken Walker, Maestro de Artes del Lenguaje, Secundaria Madison
Stephanie Waples, Maestra de Cuarto Grado, Primaria Willagillespie
Alice Williamson, Coordinador de Título I, Primaria Chávez Escuela
Dave Wines, Maestro de cuarto y quinto grado, Primaria Edgewood
Brandy Wormdahl, Entrenadora de fútbol femenino, Preparatoria North Eugene
Janine Zimmer-Berg, Maestra de tercer grado, Primaria Edison
Lisa Zluticky, Maestra de primer grado, Primaria Holt
Personal clasificado
Heather Acharya, Asistente de registros y programación, Secundaria Spencer Butte
Melissa Andrews, Secretaria de Eugene Online Academy
Kelly Ayres, Asistente de registros y programación, Secundaria Roosevelt
Kim Blaser, Asistente de educación especial, Academia de Artes y Tecnología
Randal Bonney, Coordinador de conserjes y mantenimiento I, Primaria Adams
Joe Brainard, Coordinador de Estudiantes y Programa NATIVES
Phylicia Bullis, Asistente de Asistencia, Preparatoria Sheldon
Katie Burns, Secretaria de Departamento, Departamento de Servicios Estudiantiles
Linda Castle, Asistente Administrativa, Departamento de Transporte
Doris Chastain, Asistente Educativa de Educación Especial , Primaria Adams
Berna adette Conover, secretaria escolar, Primaria Charlemagne French Immersion
Patricia Donohue, Asistente educativa, Primaria Awbrey Park
Sarah Dreyer, Asistente de educación especial, Primaria Willagillespie
Debra Eichner, Asistente de educación especial, Primaria Adams
Kelly Fenley, Asistente educativa bilingüe, Primaria de inmersión en español Buena Vista
Laurie Fierling, Secretaria Escolar de la Preparatoria North Eugene
Elora Franklin, Asistente de Educación Especial, Primaria de Inmersión en Francés Charlemagne
Theresa Garnsey, Asistente Educativa, Primaria Holt
SK Gaskell, Especialista Principal de Terrenos y Gerente Integrado de Plagas (IPM)
Angie Gee, Coordinadora de Servicios Humanos, Primaria Chávez
Patricia Gehlhaar, Secretaria Escolar, Primaria Gilham
Lynne Given, Secretaria de la Eugene International High School en Churchill
Kelly Greatwood, Asistente de Educación Especial, Primaria Spring Creek
Arthur Hart, Coordinadora de Beneficios Clasificados, Recursos Humanos
Deanne Herman, Asistente Educativa, Primaria Twin Oaks
Julie Hopkins, Asistente de Biblioteca/IMC, Primaria Howard
Shiloh Jackson, Especialista en Planificación de Postgrado, Preparatoria Sheldon
Suzie Johnson, Asistente Educativa Título I, Primaria Spring Creek
Karen Kingzett, Secretaria Escolar, Secundaria Roosevelt
Debora Kovensky, Asistente de Educación Especial, Secundaria Roosevelt
Jake Lemasson, Asistente Educativo, Academia de Artes y Tecnología
Kara Mayer, Coordinadora del Servicio de Alimentos, Secundaria Spencer Butte
Melanie Namkoong, Secretaria de la Eugene International High School en South Eugene
Debbie Parlette, Asistente de educación especial, Academia de artes y tecnología
Stephanie Perez, Secretaria escolar, Secundaria Monroe
Michelle Phillipo, Especialista en servicios al usuario, Departamento de tecnología
Jake Reents, Especialista en apoyo tecnológico, Preparatoria Churchill
Buffy Ritchie, Secretaria escolar, Secundaria Monroe
Bernadette Ross, Asistente de Educación Especial, Centro Red de Habilidades para la Vida
Jackie Sanderson, Asistente Educativa, Primaria Holt
Patti Schmidt, Asistente Educativa, Primaria Willagillespie
Beth Smith, Asistente de Apoyo al Comportamiento, Primaria Chávez
Jackie Solares, Asistente Educativa Bilingüe, Primaria de inmersión en español Buena Vista
Kevin Summerfield, Asistente Educativo, Preparatoria Churchill
Paige Toro, Asistente Educativo de Educación Especial, Primaria Howard
Campbell Trangmar, Conserje, Preparatoria South Eugene
Hayes Vertulfo, Asistente de Educación Especial, Secundaria Monroe
Tina Williams, Asistente de Educación Especial, Primaria Howard
Audrey Wiltz, Asistente Educativa, Secundaria Madison
Rose Winand, Especialista en Apoyo Tecnológico, Preparatoria South Eugene
Cindy Winkle, Asistente de Educación Especial, Primaria Howard
Vickie Woolman, Secretaria Escolar, Primaria Twin Oaks
Pilar Zentz, Asistente de educación bilingüe
Administradores y supervisores
Chris Benz, Subdirector de la Secundaria Kennedy
Jill Cuadros, Gerente regional de Servicios de Nutrición
Andy Dey, Director de las secundarias en el Departamento de Instrucción
Erin Gaston, Directora de la Primaria Howard
Melissa Ibarra, Directora de la Primaria de inmersión en español Buena Vista
Mike Ingman, Director de la Preparatoria Sheldon
Joel Lavin, Subdirector de la Preparatoria South Eugene
Garry McCready, Gerente de Sistemas de Información del Departamento de Tecnología
Paula Nolan, Administradora de Educación Alternativa y de Eugene Education Options
Lavinia Page, Directora de la Primaria Gilham
Mike Riplinger, Director de la Primaria Awbrey Park
Sun Saeteurn, Director de la Secundaria Monroe
Trevor White, Supervisor de conserjes y jardineros
Larry Williams, Director de la Academia de Artes y Tecnología
Mike Yocum, Subdirector de la Secundaria Roosevelt
Nominados y campeones anteriores:
2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016