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Message from the Superintendent

South Eugene High School receives multiple hoax calls threatening violence, causing disruption and distress

Message from Superintendent Andy Dey:

This morning, South Eugene High School again experienced the disruption and anxiety associated with an automated threatening call received by our partners at Central Lane 911 dispatch center. This is the fourth incident in four weeks.

Students and staff responded to the unfolding situation with commendable calm and flexibility, as officials must react with the appropriate actions befitting of the totality of circumstances known at the time.

We cannot overstate the seriousness of these crimes. In addition to the loss of teaching and learning, the emotional toll these events have on our school community compounds with each incident. Furthermore, there are very real costs associated with each response including the drain on limited law enforcement resources, and the redirection of school and district support staff.

On behalf of our community, I would like to express my continued gratitude to our partners at the Eugene Police Department, the Central Lane 911 dispatch center, and the local FBI office. The investigation into these crimes is outside the scope of a school district. It is reassuring to know the incidents are being thoroughly investigated, including coordination with outside agencies in other states experiencing similar threatening calls.

Earlier this afternoon, Eugene Police Chief Skinner and I shared an update with our local media outlets announcing the establishment of a CrimeStoppers account that will offer a monetary reward to individuals who may have knowledge of the source of these calls.

Finally, I would like to address concerns around today’s response including discomfort experienced by students who remained in lockdown as police worked to confirm there was no ongoing, active threat. We recognized the gravity of each response decision, and as we have shared in the past, in absence of additional information we must respond to the information we have at the time as if it is factual until proven otherwise.

I want to thank the community for their ongoing support and understanding. Knowing that each individual responds differently, we are continuing the supports and resources provided to students at SEHS. Should individual students and families have concerns specific to their student, we would encourage you to reach out to the building administration directly so that they may provide individualized supports.

Once again, I thank you for your partnership in helping our students bring this school year to a safe and productive conclusion.



Watch the joint news conference regarding the threats at South Eugene High School with Eugene Police Chief Skinner and 4J Superintendent Dey. (May 24, 2023)

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